Wave Electronics

A physical wave is usually always restricted to a finite region of space, which is referred to as its domain. Seismic waves created by earthquakes are only relevant in the planet’s interior and surface, and may be ignored elsewhere. However, waves with infinite domains that stretch throughout space are extensively studied in mathematics and are extremely useful tools for understanding physical waves with finite domains. 

What is Electromagnetics?

At UCLA’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, electromagnetics encompasses all aspects of science and engineering topics derived from Maxwell’s equations – equations that describe the behaviour of electric and magnetic fields as well as their interactions with electric charges and currents. Almost all current electric, computer, and communications technology is based on electromagnetics. Both our coursework and research focus on theoretical, computational, optimization, design, and measurement aspects of electromagnetic devices for a wide range of applications, including wireless communications, satellite, space, and ground systems, medical and sensor applications, multi-function antennas, and meta materials in frequencies ranging from microwaves to terahertz. The findings of our groundbreaking and award-winning research have been published in a number of books, book chapters, and high-quality journal and conference articles.

What is Plasma Electronics?

Plasma Electronics at UCLA’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering includes electrodynamics of charged particles in external fields, nonlinear optics of plasmas, high energy-density plasmas, laser-plasma interactions, basic plasma behaviour, computer simulations of laboratory and space plasmas, and fusion plasmas. Plasma-based charged particle accelerators, free electron lasers, various plasma-based radiation sources, laser-fusion, astrophysical plasmas, plasma propulsion, gas lasers, and plasmas for illumination are among the uses being investigated. In all of these domains, there are opportunities for experimental, theoretical, and computer simulation study. There are close connections with national laboratories at Livermore and SLAC, and the group boasts state-of-the-art laboratories in-house, notably the Neptune Laboratory, which contains the world’s most powerful CO2 laser. 

Application of Electronic Waves

Every section of the electromagnetic spectrum has various uses in our daily lives, and many of them include technology.


Radio waves – Radio waves are utilised for communication, which is why the device in your automobile is known as a radio. However, they are not limited to FM and AM radio. They’re also used to broadcast television signals, and they’re how mobile phones function, as your speech is sent via radio waves. Because radio waves are also utilised in radar, both terms begin with the same three letters. Radar is vital in military operations and may also be found in speed cameras and speed guns.

Microwaves – The most apparent application for microwaves is undoubtedly in a microwave. Microwaves may be used to both warm and cook meals. Microwaves, which are similar to radio waves, have also been utilised for communications, particularly for extending TV transmissions over longer distances.

Infrared rays – Infrared rays are emitted via remote controllers. Infrared is a form of wave that conveys a lot of heat as well. When you place your hand near but not touching anything and it feels warm, it’s because it’s emitting infrared rays. Infrared is emitted by all heated things. You are, in fact, emitting infrared rays right now. Heat-sensitive and night-vision cameras may also be made using infrared wavelengths.

Ultraviolet rays – Ultraviolet rays have their usefulness as well, but they’re also a hassle. This is because the sun emits a lot of UV light, which is a leading cause of skin cancer. UV rays can cause skin damage if they are strong enough. Getting a sun-tan may sound like a pleasant way to utilise UV, but it’s not because of the hazards. More beneficial applications include the ability of UV to sterilise and disinfect medical tools (or anything else for that matter), as well as destroy germs and viruses. Furthermore, UV light illuminates fluorescent materials; highlighter pens become brighter and more helpful as a result of this effect. This feature may be utilised to determine if money is genuine or counterfeit by concealing items that glow under UV light.

X-rays – X-rays are electromagnetic waves that may be used to view inside your body and detect various ailments using appropriately titled x-ray devices. They can also be utilised to eliminate cancerous cells.


Our coursework and research both focus on theoretical, computational, optimization, design, and measurement aspects of electromagnetic devices for a wide range of applications, including wireless communications, satellite, space, and ground systems, medical and sensor applications, multi-function antennas, and meta materials in frequencies ranging from microwaves to terahertz. The Use of Electronic Waves Every part of the electromagnetic spectrum has different applications in our daily lives, and many of them include technology.