Venn Diagram

The concept of “Venn Diagram ” is important for the representation of several data sets through two or more circles. A “Venn Diagram” represents the relationship or connection between selected data or information through two or more circles. The commonality of those selected data can be found if those specific data are found in the intersection or overlapping zone of those two or more circles. On the other hand, the difference can be found between those selected data sets if those data are found outside of the intersection zone or overlapping zone of those two or more circles. 

Concept of Venn diagram 

A “Venn diagram” can be considered as an illustration that utilises circles for showing the connection or the relationships among finite groups of factors and other facts. Circles that overlap have a particular commonality when circles that do not overlap do not share those specific traits. The “Venn diagram” helps for visualising and represents the common factors or similarities as well as differences between particular two concepts. “Venn diagrams” have long been identified for their benefits and keep in mind their use as educational tools, especially in mathematics. A “Venn diagram” can be considered as an important concept in the sector of mathematical representation in terms of representation of union, intersection, and other factors and statistical data. The “Venn diagram” has been utilised as a particular part of the elementary level plan of education around the whole world as well as the specific part of the introductory logic curriculum. 

Characteristics of Venn diagram 

The main characteristics of the “Venn diagram” are that a particular “Venn diagram” is represented by two or more circles. A “Venn diagram” uses circles that may overlap or may not overlap and those circles don’t need to be overlapped. However, those overlapped or non-overlapped circles represent differences and commonalities among those groups or factors which have been selected. Those factors or things that have commonalities are represented by the overlapping circles and the common factors lie in the overlapped zone. Those factors are not common or different and are represented through non-overlapping circles. In mathematical representation “Venn diagrams’ have been used for better representation of conclusive results and statistical data. Despite mathematical representation nowadays Venn diagrams have been represented by many business personalities as a presentation of their business strategies and other factors associated with a business organisation. 

Application of Venn diagram 

A “Venn diagram” can be used in order to depict the way items of objects relate to each other against an overall environment, set of data or information, universe and backdrop. A “Venn diagram” can be used, for such a case, for comparing two or more business organisations within similar kinds of industries through illustrating the service or products both business organisations offer and the product or service that are special or unique to each of those particular business organisations. A “Venn diagram” can be considered as a simple visual representation of the relationships or connections which exist between two or more data sets of finite groups and at the basic level the concept and application of the “Venn diagram” can be illustrated like this. Despite this simple representation of the data set and common factors, sometimes the representation of the “Venn diagram” can be complex for easy understanding. In mathematical representation “Venn diagrams’ ‘ have been used for better representation of conclusive results and statistical data. However, the streamlined aim of the “Venn diagram” for illustrating groups of data sets and information as well as concepts has led them to be popularised and identified in many other fields such as business, science, computer, education, logic, and linguistics. A “Venn diagram” is beneficial for solving complex problems by providing benefits regarding less time consuming as well as giving appropriate value as the conclusive result, so “Venn diagram” is important for different competitive examinations such as SSC, management entrance examination, and another different kind of internal and external examination of different business organisation. 

Quality assessment through “Venn Diagram”

A “Venn diagram” is useful for quality assessment of several factors such as business organisation, business strategies, educational institute. In order to visualise the information or data set of a business organisation can be successfully done by “Venn Diagram ”. Moreover, for comparing two or more choices, for solving difficult mathematical issues, comparing a set of data, and reasoning by the logic “Venn Diagram ” can be used for quality assessment by a proper representation of the data set. 


In this study, the concept of the “Venn Diagram” and several applications has been discussed briefly. After analysing those concepts and applications of the Venn diagram it can be understood that the Venn diagram can be useful for educational institutions, business organisations for comparing and developing a proper relationship between selected data. As Venn diagrams are less time-consuming and give appropriate results, this is useful for different competitive examinations such as SSC, GATE, CAT, and other managerial examinations.