Uses of Coal

Coal is a substance that most of us have come across at some point in our lives. It’s a common material found in many houses and even large corporations. As a result, we’ll be learning about coal and some of its applications here.


Coal is derived from the English word “col,” which means “glowing ember.” Coal is a black sedimentary rock. It is most commonly found in coal mines’ coal beds. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, and other elements make up coal. Decomposition of dead plants and animals produces peat, which is then transformed into lignite, sub-bituminous coal, bituminous coal, and finally anthracite. As a result, coal is classified as a fossil fuel. Coal is formed over millions of years due to geological processes. The mining process is applicable to extract coal. China is the world’s leading exporter of coal.

Coal is a black stone with a hard surface. It is made out of carbon. Coal is generated when a plant decomposes under extreme heat and pressure. Carbonisation is the name for this creation process. The carboniferous age is the period during which the process occurs. Coal is made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and a little sulphur.

Uses of Coal and Examples

There are many uses of coal, some of which are given here.

  • The Generation of Electricity
  • Generation of Steel
  • Uses of coal in Industries
  • Liquefaction and Gasification process
  • Domestic Uses

Generation of Electricity

Coal is often used to generate thermal power, which contributes to energy generation. Powdered coal is burned at a very high temperature, which converts water to steam. This steam is frequently utilised to turn turbines at maximum speed in a strong magnetic field. Electricity is generated only after that.

Generation of Steel

Coal is used indirectly to create steel in the steel industry. Coal is baked in furnaces to generate coal coke in the generation of steel process. Manufacturers utilise coal coke to smelt iron ore to iron and make steel after this is generated. In the meantime, ammonia gas is retrieved from coke ovens and utilised to make nitric acid, ammonia salts, and fertilisers.

Uses in Industries

Coal is used in a variety of sectors to make a variety of products. Paper, cement and aluminium manufacturing, chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing are just a few of the industries which use coal. Chemical businesses rely on coal for a variety of raw materials such as benozle, sulphate of ammonia, coal tar, creosote, and so on. A large number of industries depends on coal as an energy source.

Liquefaction and Gasification

Coal can be converted into a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which is referred to as synthetic gas. These gases are intermediate products that can be transformed into urea, methanol, pure hydrogen, and other compounds. Coal is converted into synthetic fuels, which are liquids formed from coal.

However, coal-derived compounds are mostly used to generate other products. Besides, coal or coal by-products are used in the majority of products on the market. Aspirins, soap, solvents, dyes, plastics, and fibres such as nylon and rayon are among them.

Domestic Uses

Coal is still utilised as cooking fuel and a source of heat in cold climates and developing or impoverished countries.

Formation of Coal

Coal is formed over millions of years. There were locations on the globe with lush forests in wetlands millions of years ago, but these trees were buried under the soil owing to natural calamities like flooding, tsunamis, landslides, and other natural disasters. Over time, more and more soil accumulated on top of these forests. These trees were protected from biodegradation by oxidation, which was usually caused by dirt or acidic water. The carbon which was buried in the sediments is trapped in this way. Carbonization occurs, which is the process by which vegetation converts to carbon. It’s a long and winding road.

Disadvantages of Coal

Coal has several drawbacks, including coal mining accidents, pollution, and so on. Because coal mining is a dangerous and difficult activity involving heavy equipment, there are many accidents. Furthermore, coal emissions are extremely damaging to humans, particularly the lungs. Coal contamination is common in places close to coal reserves. When coal is burned, massive amounts of carbon dioxide are released, which is detrimental to humans. Furthermore, because coal is a non-renewable and finite natural resource, we should not rely on it for day-to-day activity. Coal is also one of the most significant causes of current global warming.


Coal is a substance that most of us have come across at some point in our lives. Coal is a black stone with a hard surface. Coal is made out of carbon. There are many uses of coal, some of which are given here.

  • The Generation of Electricity
  • Generation of Steel
  • Uses of coal in Industries
  • Liquefaction and Gasification process
  • Domestic Uses

Coal is commonly used for thermal power generation, which aids in the generation of energy. Coal has several drawbacks, including coal mining accidents, pollution, and so on. The article covers the different uses of coal, the formation, advantages and disadvantages of coal.