

Urea is secreted as a metabolic waste product in several animals. These creatures are known as ureotelic. The ammonia produced by these organisms is transformed to urea in the liver of animals and then released back into the bloodstream. The kidneys filter the urea, which is eventually expelled from the body. To maintain a desired osmolarity in the organisms, some urea is maintained in the kidney matrix. Because we excrete urea through urine, humans are ureotelic. 

Apart from that, urea is less poisonous than ammonia. Ureotelism classification comes under excretion and elimination of body wastes. 

To learn more about ureotelism, let us study the topic of excretion in detail.

What is excretion? 

Excretion is the process by which animals are able to remove waste. Organisms are able to maintain acid-base balance and control osmotic pressure (the balance between inorganic ions and water) through excretion. As a result, homeostasis is encouraged, or the consistency of the organism’s internal environment.

Every living thing, from the tiniest protist to the greatest mammal, has to get rid of the potentially dangerous by-products of its necessary functions. Elimination is used to describe the many systems and procedures by which living organisms dispose of or throw away waste products, harmful chemicals, and dead parts of the organism. The nature of the waste disposal process and the specific buildings that have been constructed differ substantially in size and complexity. 

What is Ammonotelism?

The process of eliminating ammonia from the body is known as ammonotelism, and ammonotelic species are those that exhibit this feature. This includes most fish, protozoans, echinoderms, poriferans, and crustaceans. Ammonia is excreted directly into the environment by aquatic creatures, where it is quickly diluted. It’s also extremely harmful to the body’s tissues.

What is ureotelism?

According to the ureotelism definition, Ureotelic animals are mammals, terrestrial amphibians, and marine fish that mostly excrete urea. The liver of these animals converts ammonia produced by metabolism into urea, which is then released into the bloodstream and filtered and expelled by the kidneys.

Elimination’s biological significance

The ability of unicellular and multicellular organisms to dispose of waste is critical to their health and survival. Animals must consume (ingest) energy-containing chemical molecules, extract a portion of the energy to fuel their living functions, and dispose of the waste or by-products produced during the energy extraction process. An internal-combustion engine goes through a similar sequence of actions. Fuel, which contains energy, is injected into the engine and burned, with some of the energy generated being used to move the pistons. A part of the energy-containing material (fuel) not used in the engine is discharged as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other combustion by-products, much as it is in living cells. The exhaust system is clogged.

When an engine’s exhaust system becomes clogged, it loses efficiency and eventually fails. The complete obstruction of waste-disposal mechanisms in biological systems is just as effective as removing food, oxygen, or water from the system in terms of killing key activities. Furthermore, some metabolic by-products are harmful in and of themselves and must be eliminated from living cells at the same rate as they are produced by those cells. As a result, waste products from live cells must be excreted regularly for critical chemical activities to proceed normally. Keeping an eye on the metabolic rate. This shows how much Ammonotelism and ureotelism are important.

Why should urea be eliminated in the urine?

Urea is the most common component of urine, and it is excreted with urine. The kidneys are responsible for the excretion of urine and the release of urea. The presence of more urea in the heart or body is related to the failure of the kidneys, which can result in kidney failure, heart attack, and other complications. When urea is released outside the body, bacteria and other microorganisms break it down. When it gets in touch with our skin or other body parts, it can cause a variety of ailments such as skin allergies, rashes, itching, and burning.

What happens if excess urea accumulates in the body?

Urea is hazardous to various organs in the body, both directly and indirectly. Increased synthesis of bacterial toxins such as indoxyl sulfate and p-cresyl sulfate is caused by a high urea level, and inflammation in the intestinal wall leads to the breakdown of tight intercellular connections. As a result, bacterial toxins enter the bloodstream and cause systemic inflammation, which has been related to renal failure progression and cardiovascular mortality. In blood arteries, urea induces cell death and calcification directly. Furthermore, high urea levels inhibit fat cells’ (adipocytes’) insulin sensitivity. Patients with chronic kidney illness are more likely to develop pre-diabetes as a result of their insulin resistance. The indirect toxicity of urea is caused by the irreversible carbamylation of the body’s proteins, which happens as a result of cyanate exposure (a breakdown product of urea). Dialysis patients with elevated blood carbamylated proteins have a greater risk of death.

This is the reason why ureotelism is so important.

What is the Urea Cycle?

The urea cycle’s primary goal is to eliminate harmful ammonia from the body. Every day, a healthy adult excretes 10 to 20 g of ammonia from their body. A faulty urea cycle results in an overabundance of ammonia in the body, which can cause hyperammonemia and other disorders. A lack of essential enzymes that catalyze numerous processes in the urea cycle can result in urea cycle diseases. In newborns, urea cycle defects can cause vomiting, stupor, and convulsions. This is frequently misinterpreted as septicemia and treated ineffectively with antibiotics. Excess ammonia can cause serious and irreparable harm.

Two types of waste 

Metabolic and non-metabolic waste are the two types of waste.

 The difference is whether the compounds in issue are created by a living cell’s chemical processes or transmitted through an organism’s digestive tract without entering its life processes.

  • Wastes that are not produced by metabolism 

Nonmetabolic wastes are primarily indigestible or useless by an organism due to their chemical nature. Nonmetabolic wastes also comprise compounds absorbed, swallowed, or otherwise taken into a biological system in excess of the organism’s demands and storage capacity. These chemicals include both digestible (metabolizable) and indigestible elements, and they can be expelled relatively instantly, even though they are frequently consumed.

  • Waste products from metabolism 

Gases, liquids, solids, and heat can all be isolated from metabolic wastes. Heat, though not normally categorized as a waste product, should be because it is a by-product of metabolic activity that must be removed in warm-blooded species to avoid dangerously elevated body temperatures.


Both active and passive methods dispose of metabolic and non-metabolic wastes. In general, gaseous wastes are removed using passive mechanisms that do not require the living organism to expend energy. Higher animals’ solid and liquid waste-disposal processes are active (energy-intensive) systems that filter the trash from important substances before excretion. Specific and nonspecific systems can be used to classify disposal methods. Kidneys evolved as a highly sophisticated waste disposal system in multicellular creatures, and they also regulate the amounts of water, salts, and organic compounds in the bodies of higher animals. Nitrogenous waste products (ammonia, uric acid, urea, creatine, creatinine, and amino acids), excess salts and water received into the body, and several other organic components created by life-sustaining chemical reactions are all removed by the kidney supporting ureotelism.