Thunder and Lightning in India

Lightning is a type of electric spark that occurs on a large scale. It is a result of electric charges which accumulated in the clouds. When a thunderstorm is developing, the air currents move in an upward direction while water droplets move downward. During lightning and thunderstorms, no open place is safe, including open vehicles, tall trees, etc. Lightning strikes have the potential to destroy life and property. It is, therefore, necessary to take measures for protection

What is Lightning?

Lightning is a quick and short-term phenomenon, which is the result of the difference in electrical charge between the top and bottom of a cloud. Clouds which produce lightning generally are usually at a height of about 10–12 km, with their base about 1–2 km from the earth’s surface.

Lightning is the direct and utmost backlash of global warming and change in climate. It requires close monitoring and proactive action to curb the adverse impact of lightning on India.

Impact of Lightning in India

Lightning has several impacts. Sometimes, it is directed towards the earth. The following points outline the various impacts lightning has had in India:

  • In India, every year, more than 2,500 people die due to lightning (Annual Report, NCRB).
  • The north-eastern region of the country, which comprises 27.8% of the geographical area of the country with 3.86% of the national population, comes under the most severe lightning rod zone.
  • It can cause damage to communication and computer equipment, and aircrafts.

Types of Lightning

There are two types of lightning as presented below:

Cloud to ground lightning: This kind of lightning takes place between opposite charges in a cloud and on the ground.

In-cloud lightning: This is the type that occurs within a thunderstorm between opposite charges.

NDMA Guidelines to Prevent Loss of Life Due to Lightning

  • Mapping of major lightning affected zones: This can be done on the basis of the availability of data regarding the numbers of lightning incidence, deaths and injured persons;
  • Sharing of data between different agencies for the preparation of mitigation plans;
  • Installation of advanced shields to protect buildings and different structures, urban and rural, from lightning strikes;
  • Improved wiring with trip-boxes and good earthing;
  • Use of social media to effectively deliver the warnings.

Lightning Protection and Safety

Though the impact of lightning on India is quite severe in terms of losses of lives and properties, this can be thwarted and 100% safety from lightning can be provided with the installation of lightning protection devices.

The installation of standard lightning protection devices can provide 100% safety from lightning. Such lightning safety devices helped Odisha achieve the target of zero lightning deaths during Cyclone Fani. Moreover, in Jharkhand’s Deoghar, the installation of lightning safe grids has prevented any injuries from lightning.


Lightning is a type of electric discharge that occurs as a spark or flash from a charged cloud. Thunderclouds are charged, with the negative charge centre at the cloud’s base. Lightning, in simple words, is a collection of massive static electric sparks that travel from one cloud to another or from one cloud to an earthly object. Every year, more than 2,500 people die due to lightning. Due to this, the NDMA has specified a few guidelines to be followed, such as the installation of a lightning strike warning system that would inform people beforehand, improved wiring with trip boxes, and good earthing.