The human body consists of various complex systems containing multiple organs and carrying out different tasks. Examples of the system include the circulatory system, the digestive system and the endocrine system. The system is responsible for exchanging various products among the various organs. The circulatory system exchanges blood between organs. A similar leader in the crime system is responsible for circulating the hormones throughout the body. Unlike various other glands which carry their secretions to particular organs, the endocrine glands release their secretion directly into the bloodstream.
Let’s understand the endocrine system and glands.
Types of glands
There are many different types of glands present in the human body.
The glands are classified into two types.
The types of glands are:
- The endocrine glands:
The endocrine system and glands are also called the ductless glands because they do not have respective ducts to transport their secretions. They prefer to release date secretions directly into the blood.
- The exocrine glands:
These glands are the ones with ducts. They release their secretions through their respective ducts and not directly into the bloodstream.
Examples of exocrine glands are the lymph nodes and the sweat glands.
The endocrine system and glands
The endocrine system and glands are very important parts of the human body. An endocrine system consists of many different glands that have various secret liquids for different functions.
Instead of ducts, they use the circulatory system to transport their secretions. The hypothalamus region of the brain controls the endocrine system and glands. The main endocrine glands in humans are the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
The field that deals with the endocrine system study is known as endocrinology.
Let us take a look at the glands of the endocrine system
The endocrine system and glands are of 8 major types.
Let’s look at this gland and its functioning one by one.
The Endocrine glands
- The thyroid gland
The position of the thyroid gland is in front of the neck, situated in front of the thyroid cartilage.
The shape of the tired gland is like a butterfly, and a central isthmus connects the two wings.
Tissue: The shoes that make up the thyroid gland consist of proteins with the stored protein called colloid.
The thyroid gland’s job is to increase the cellular metabolism and the thyroxine and triiodothyronine, respectively known as T4 and T3.
Excessive secretion by the thyroid gland can result in hyperthyroidism.
If the tired blank secrets less than it led to hypothyroidism.
- The parathyroid glands:
There are 4 to 6 parathyroid glands in the human body. They articulate the back of the thyroid glands and secrete the parathyroid hormone.
The function of the parathyroid glands, which secret parathyroid hormone, increases the blood calcium level. They got to get the kidneys, intestine and bones.
When the body’s calcium level starts falling, then the parathyroid hormones get released.
- The Adrenal glands:
Adrenaline is a hormone that is important for the survival of species.
These hormones are secreted by the adrenal glands of the endocrine system and glands.
The adrenaline clients are situated about the kidneys in humans and at the front of the kidneys in other animals.
The adrenaline client also secretes the steroids named aldosterone Cortisol and DHEA.
- Pancreas:
The pancreas is the part of the endocrine system and glands and also part of the digestive system.
- The pancreas is in the abdomen and behind the stomach.
- The pancreas is also an exocrine gland.
- The pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon, and some other hormones.
- Glucose is useful when the blood glucose level of the body falls.
- Somatostatin is also secreted by the delta cell of the pancreas.
- Gonads:
Gonads secret two main hormones are estrogen and progesterone. The function of estrogen is to develop the female reproductive system during puberty and develop other secondary sexual characteristics.
Progesterone and oestrogens work together to maintain the menstrual cycle.
The testes of human males also secrete testosterone. They participate in the development of male reproductive concerns and secondary sex characteristics.
- The pineal glands:
The diencephalon part of the brain contains the pineal gland. The main secretion of the pineal gland is melatonin. It has an antigonadotropic effect in humans. They influence the melanocytes and melanotrophs in the skin.
A few more glands are also part of the endocrine system and glands.
All such glands together make up the endocrine system and carry out their functions.
The endocrine systems glands and hormones diagram can show the positions of all these glands in the body.
Various glands in the body secret various liquids that assist the body in performing the required functions. The glands are of two types the endocrine glands and the exocrine glands. The endocrine system and glands are composed of many glands spread throughout the body. The endocrine glands always release their secretions directly into the bloodstream, which carries them to other body parts. The main endocrine glands include The thyroid glands, the parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, gonads, pancreas, pineal glands, etc. They secrete hormones that signal various parts of the body to grow, maintain levels of sugar, etc.