Without human interference, natural resources already exist. There are some renewable ones that can be easily regenerated and some non-renewable ones that cannot. An area’s economy is determined by its resources. A nation can preserve these resources for future generations if these resources are used wisely. However, given the current conditions, it is extremely unlikely that future generations and emerging nations would be able to obtain their fair share due to the indiscriminate exploitation of our contemporary resources. Furthermore, the repercussions are terrible, and the impact on the ecosystem will cause serious harm that exceeds the environment’s carrying capacity.
The phrase “sustainability” refers to the preservation and protection of the natural world. Natural resources are essential to human life in our environment. On the planet, there are natural resources existing separately. However, human activity will soon cause damage and possibly the extinction of these resources. Maintaining a balance between nature and natural resources is biology’s primary goal.
Natural Resources
Natural resources are those that naturally occur on the planet. It indicates that current natural resources have not been impacted by humans. In the course of a human existence, natural resources are crucial. Natural resources including air, water, sunlight, minerals, and so on are essential for both human and animal survival.
Types of Natural Resources
Renewable resources
Resources that can be replenished after use are referred to as renewable resources. Natural replenishment of renewable resources. There are fewer possibilities of these resources going extinct because they are widely available. Additionally, the recovery rate for renewable resources is higher. Sunlight, soil, water, air, etc. are a few examples.
Non-renewable resources
Non-renewable resources are those that cannot be obtained after being used to their utmost capacity. Non-renewable resources are not naturally replenished. There is a greater likelihood of extinction because these supplies are scarcely available. Additionally, the rate of non-renewable resource recovery is relatively slow. Fossil fuels, gold, minerals, coal, and petroleum are a few examples.
Sustainable Management System
A sustainable management system is one that promotes harmony between humans and nature. To conserve our natural resources, the Sustainable Management system offers strategies, plans, and a road map.
Sustainable Resource Management
For instance, wood is a renewable resource because more trees will sprout even after we cut them down. However, since many people and businesses obtain wood in an irresponsible and unsustainable manner, wood is not automatically a sustainable resource. In addition to regulating carbon and oxygen levels in the atmosphere and halting erosion, trees are crucial for biodiversity. You are not getting wood in a sustainable way if you cut down too many trees quicker than they can grow. The wood produced stops being sustainable if your production facility wastes resources and contaminates the air, water, and other natural resources.
Sustainable Utilisation of Natural Resources
The effective management of natural resources for the benefit of the entire human community is sustainable resource use. The basic goal of sustainable development is to meet the requirements of the present generation without jeopardising those of the future. Because non-renewable resources, like coal and petroleum, cannot be renewed, the economy cannot be built on their consumption. A resource that is truly sustainable does not degrade the environment. Natural resource exhaustion results from overuse of those resources. As a result, it is impossible to continue using the resources as they are now because nothing will be left for future generations.
Natural Resources
Air and Climate
The deteriorating air quality and climatic change can have a significant impact on human health and the ecology. By reducing the use of dangerous chemicals in the air, communities can help reduce the sources of air pollution.
Energy is a non-renewable resource that is mostly utilised to generate electricity for homes, businesses, and transportation, which contributes to pollution. The utilisation of renewable fuels, which offer less expensive and more environmentally friendly options, and energy conservation are both urgently needed.
Utilizing natural resources sustainably today ensures that they will still be there for future generations. One natural resource that sustainability organisations are concentrating on preserving is forests. In 2015, forests covered around 30% of the planet’s surface, but that percentage is in danger of declining. According to research from 2018, every year, 18 million acres of trees are destroyed for agriculture or lumber. Sustainable measures include lowering the number of trees cut down year and sowing fresh seedlings in formerly forested areas.