
In the past decades, agriculture plays a crucial role in the life of an economy. The entire world depends on agriculture for food.  Therefore, agriculture is mainly involved in the production of basic food crops. Altogether, about 70 – 80 per cent of the world’s population practices agriculture. There are certain parameters and different agricultural practices, which needed to be followed for good quality and quantity of crop production.

Sowing is the simplest and often the least expensive way to bring introduce new plants into the garden. Seeds can be sown directly into the garden (in situ), or in containers where they are grown to a hardy size for transplanting into the garden. Scattering seeds on the earth after soil is prepared for cultivation is termed sowing. It is the most important part of agriculture. Plants cant grow without seeds. The type of seeds sown decides the quality of crops that would come out of it.

Sowing is an important part of crop production. Before sowing, good quality, clean and healthy seeds of a good variety are selected. Farmers prefer to use seeds that give a high yield. 

What is sowing?

Sowing is the process of planting seeds into the soil. After sowing, the seeds germinate inside the soil and then grow up to become a complete plant. Germination is also known as the sprouting of seeds. It is the process through which the entire organism grows from a seed or a spore. During this agricultural process, proper precautions should be taken, including the appropriate depth, and proper distance maintained, and the soil should be clean, healthy, and free from disease and other pathogens including fungus. All these precautions are essential for seed germination- the process of seeds developing into new plants.

Examples of sowing: 

  • Sugarcane is planted in furrows made in the soil.
  • Ladyfingers are sown on ridges.
  • Leafy vegetables are grown in beds.
  • The seeds of some varieties of cotton, as also those of pumpkin, bitter gourd, and watermelon are sown by poking them into the soil one by one.

How to select seeds for sowing:

  • Good quality seeds are selected for sowing.
  • They are chosen by putting them in water.
  • If they are of good quality they sink in water.
  • If they are of bad quality, they become hallow and float in water.

Methods of sowing:

Seeds may be sown directly or they can be transplanted. For the transplanting method, the seeds are sown in the nursery, and then the nursery is transplanted to the field. The different methods of sowing are given below;

  1. Broadcasting: In this process, the seeds are scattered on the seedbeds either mechanically or manually. In the broadcasting method of sowing, the seeds are spread uniformly and are then covered with planking. When there are a large number of seeds, the work is done using mechanical broadcasters. The seed rate is very high in this system.
  2. Dibbling: Planting procedure with dibbling. Dibbling is the process in which we place seeds in the holes or pits at equal predetermined distances and depths. This procedure is done by dibble, planter, or manually.
  3. Drilling: In this method, the seed is dropped into holes, and the seeds are then covered and compacted by soil. Drilling is done with the help of a seed drill or seed-cum-fertilizer drill. Seeds are drilled continuously in a row or drilling can be done at a distance that is set and rows can be made accordingly.
  4. Dropping of the seeds behind the plough: In this process, the seeds are placed into the furrows ploughed in the field either continuously or at a specific distance manually by a man working behind the plough. The depth of sowing depends on the depth of the plough.
  5. Transplanting: In this process, the seedlings are first planted in nurseries and then planted in the prepared fields. It is usually done to grow vegetables and flowers. A transplanter is used for the purpose. But, this process is time-consuming.
  6. Hill dropping of seeds: In this method of sowing, the selected seeds are dropped at regular spaces but not in a continuous manner.
  7. Check row planting: The seeds are planted along straight parallel furrows. A check row planter is used for the method. The row-to-row and plant-to-plant distance is uniform.
  8. Sowing with a seed drill: A funnel-shaped tool is used to sow the seeds traditionally. The funnel is filled with seeds and the seeds pass through two or three pipes with sharp ends. These ends enter the soil and the seeds are placed there.

Precautions while sowing the seeds:

Following precautions should be taken while sowing the seeds in the soil:

  • The seeds should be sown at the right depth in the soil suitable for germination.
  • The seeds should be disease-free.
  • Seeds must be planted at correct distances from each other.
  • Seeds should be sown such that all the crops should get an equal amount of light, nutrients, and water.
  • Seeds should be sown at the correct depths
  •  They should neither be placed at the top of the soil so that it is blown away by wind and animals nor should they be sown too deep into the soil such that it does not germinate.


The basic objective of the sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer in rows at the desired depth and seed spacing, cover the seeds with soil and provide proper compaction over the seed. During this agricultural process, proper precautions should be taken, including the appropriate depth, and proper distance maintained, and the soil should be clean, healthy, and free from disease and other pathogens including fungus.