Solid State

Solid is a state of matter in which the constituting particles are arranged very closely. The constituent particles can be anything atoms, molecules or ions.

Solid is one of the Four fundamental states of matter . The molecules in a solid are closely packed and contain the least amount of kinetic energy.

We will study Solid-state chemistry, the study of the synthesis, structure, and properties of solid phase materials.

Physical and Chemical Property of Solid

  • Rigidity: Due to lack of space in between particles make it rigid or fixed.
  • FORCE: As  the intermolecular distance between molecules is short , the force Between the practices is very strong.
  •  They have definite mass, shape and volume.
  •  They are incompressible because particle is arrange

Close to each other.

Solid State Chemistry

It is a study of synthesis, property and structure of solid material. Moreover we study the solid compound in depth.

Basically its helps us to understand the compound from a molecular level to the crystal level.

Types of Solid State

They are Classified  on the basis of the arrangement of constituent particles:

  1. CRYSTALLINE SOLID: In this particles are arranged in a repeating pattern. They have a regular and ordered arrangement (definite shape).

For e.g.: sugar, rock.

  1. AMORPHOUS SOLID: non-crystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite Pattern. 

For e.g.: glass, plastic, silicon

Properties of Crystalline State

1.Crystalline solid has an intense melting point as they  starts melting when it reaches a particular temperature.

2.They have a definite shape and particular pattern of particles

3.They also have a cleavage property as they split down into two pieces when they are cut with a sharp tool.

4.Crystalline solids are true solids.

5.They have a definite amount of energy that’s required to melt a given mass of solid.

Amorphous Solid Properties

1.Amorphous solids are softened over a particular temperature. On heating they can be molded into any shape.

2.There particles don’t have definite shapes i.e. irregular in pattern.

3.They can split into many pieces when cut with a sharp tool 

4.They Don’t have a definite amount of heat of fusion.

5.They are pseudo solids.

Types of Crystalline Solid

On the basis of chemical bonding Crystalline solid are further classified into four parts:

1.Molecular solid: is a solid composed of molecules held together by the van der Waals force.

2.Ionic solid: these are arranged by the coulombic forces between cations and anions.

3.Metallic solids: are solids that are composed of metal that are held by  a strong metallic bond.

4.Covalent solids: are solids that are composed of non-metal that are held together by covalent bonds between adjacent atoms.


In this unit we got to learn about the types of solids , physical and chemical properties of solid. We see the structure of crystalline and amorphous solid.

All the substances are made up of matter whether the substance is in solid , liquid or gas state depending upon their arrangement of atoms.