A semiconductor is called a semiconductor because it is a type of electrical object that is between the common metal resistance and the common resistance of the protectors, so it is a type, or “semi” – conducts electricity.
Semiconductors have certain electrical properties. The conductor is called a conductor, and the non-electrical conductor is called an insulator. Semiconductors are objects with structures somewhere between them. ICs (integrated circuits) and discrete electronic components such as diodes and transistors are made up of semiconductors. The most common semiconductors are silicon and germanium. Silicon is best known for these. Silicon forms the majority of ICs. Common semiconductor compounds are similar to gallium arsenide or indium antimonide.
Semiconductors have become important in many electrical appliances and public infrastructure that support our daily lives.
In a process called doping, small amounts of impurities are added to the pure semiconductors causing significant changes in the behavior of the material.
Because of their role in electronics, semiconductors are an integral part of our lives. Think of life without electronics. There will be no radios, televisions, computers, video games, and weak medical diagnostic equipment. Although many electrical products can be made using vacuum tube technology, advances in semiconductor technology over the past 50 years have made electronic devices smaller, faster, and more reliable. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. How many of the following have you seen or used in the last 24 hours? Each has important components that have been built with electrical equipment.
Semiconductors properties
Semiconductors can transmit electricity under selected conditions or conditions. This unique design makes it ideal to run electricity in a controlled manner as needed . Unlike conductors, charging conductors on semiconductors appear only due to external power (thermal shock). It causes a certain number of valence electrons to cross the power gap and jump into the drive band, leaving an equal number of unoccupied power circuits, i.e. holes. Driving due to electrons and holes is equally important.
Resistance: 10-5 to 106 Ωm
Conductivity: 10−6 to 104 ohm−1 m−1
Resistance coefficient: Negative
Current Flow: Due to electrons and holes.
Some important features of Semiconductors are:
Semiconductor acts as a protection against Zero Kelvin. In increasing the temperature, it acts as a conductor.
Due to the different electrical properties, semiconductors can be replaced by doping to make semiconductor devices suitable for power conversion, switches, and amplifiers.
Low energy loss.
Semiconductors are small in size and lightweight.
Their resistance is higher than conductors but less than insulators.
The resistance of semiconductor materials decreases with increasing temperature and vice versa.
Types of Semiconductors
Intrinsic Semiconductor
Extrinsic Semiconductor
Intrinsic Semiconductor
The internal type of semiconductor material is made to be very chemically clean. It is made up of only one type of feature .Germanium (Ge) and Silicon (Si) are the most common types of internal semiconductor components. They have four valence electrons (tetravalent). They are bound to the atom by covalent bond at absolute zero temperature.
When the temperature rises, as a result of the collision, a few electrons are cut off and free to move in the lattice, thus creating an absence from their original position (hole). These free electrons and holes contribute to the conduct of electricity in the semiconductor. Negative and positive network companies are equal in value.
Thermal energy is able to ionize a few atoms in the lattice, so their conduction is minimal.
Extrinsic Semiconductor
The conductivity of semiconductors can be greatly enhanced by introducing a small number of suitable atoms called IMPURITIES. The process of adding contaminant atoms to a pure semiconductor is called DOPING. Generally, only one in 107 atoms is replaced by a dopant atom in a doped semiconductor. The external semiconductor can be divided into:
N-type Semiconductor
P-type Semiconductor
N-Type Semiconductor
Mainly due to the electrons
Completely neutral
I = Ih and number of hole >> number of electron
Most – Electrons and Few – Hole
When a pure semiconductor (Silicon or Germanium) is absorbed by pentavalent impurities (P, As, Sb, Bi) then, four electrons of five electrons valence bonds and four electrons of Ge or Si.
A fifth dopant electron is released. Thus, the atomic atom provides a free electron to run on the lattice and is called the doner.
As the amount of free electrons increases with the addition of pollutants, the carriers of negative costs are increasing. Therefore, it is called a n-type semiconductor.
Crystal as a whole is not neutral, but the donating atom becomes a straight, indirect ion. Since the transmission is due to the large number of free electrons, the electrons in the semiconductor of the n type are MAJORITY CARRIERS and holes MINORITY CARRIERS.
P-Type Semiconductor
Mainly because of the holes
Completely neutral
I = Ih and number of hole >> number of electron
Most – Hole and Few – Electrons
If a pure semiconductor is subjected to trivalent impurities (B, Al, In, Ga) then, three valence electrons of impurities bond contains three electrons of four semiconductor valence.
This leaves the absence of an electron (hole) in the impurities. These dirty atoms ready to receive the combined electrons are called “Recipients”.
With the increase in the amount of pollution, the holes (carriers of good cost) are increasing. Therefore, it is called a p-type semiconductor.
The Crystal as a whole is neutral, but the receivers become the negative ion. Since the conductor conduction is due to the large number of holes, the holes in the semiconductor of the p type are LARGE CARRIERS and electrons LESS carriers.
Now let’s understand the use of semiconductors in everyday life. Semiconductors are used in almost all electrical devices. Without them, our lives would be a lot different.
Their reliability, compactness, low cost and controlled power supply make them suitable for use for a wide variety of components and devices. Transistors, diodes, photosensors, microcontrollers, integrated chips and much more are made of semiconductors. The material and chemical properties of semiconductors enable them to design technological wonders such as microchips, transistors, LEDs, solar cells, etc.
The microprocessor used to control the operation of space vehicles, trains, robots, is made up of transistors and other control devices manufactured by semiconductor devices.