Related Disorders

Rare diseases can be caused by genetic abnormalities. In the United States, less than 200,000 persons are affected by this group of illnesses. Experts estimate that there could be as many as 7,000 cases. The basic functional unit of heredity is the gene. Genes are made up of DNA, which contains the genetic information that tells cells how to make proteins and other hereditary components. The genetic substance in practically all living species is DNA or, in certain cases, RNA. Because RNA is less durable than DNA, DNA is the genetic component of all species except a few. Under some defective conditions, genes can become mutated, causing the genetic code to become flawed. Defective genes result in faulty proteins that do not function correctly. As a result, there are malfunctions and hereditary illnesses.

Some of these genetic abnormalities are present at birth, while others are acquired as a result of gene mutations. As a result, genetic illnesses are divided into two groups:

  • Mendelian illnesses are inherited disorders caused by gene mutations.
  • Chromosomal diseases are caused by a chromosomal mutation.

The following are some of the most common genetic issues:

  • AA amyloidosis is a kind of amyloidosis.
  • Adrenoleukodystrophy is a kind of adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD).
  • Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a type of ehlers-danlos syndrome.
  • Mitochondrial Diseases are a group of diseases that affect mitochondria.
  • The Usher effect.

Genetic Disorders: What Are They and How Do They Affect You?

1. Mendelian Illness

Mendelian illnesses are caused by mutations in a single gene and can be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, sex-linked dominant, sex-linked recessive, or mitochondrial. Pedigree analysis can be used to detect certain illnesses. The genetic locus where the mutation occurs could be on a sex chromosome or an autosome, and it could be recessive or dominant in nature. When the mutant gene is present in the homozygous state, an autosomal recessive illness is manifested. Both parents are heterozygous in these circumstances, bearing one copy of the mutant gene and one copy of a normally functioning gene. Females and males are predicted to be equally influenced by autosomal traits. Autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, sex-linked dominant, sex-linked chromosomal, and mitochondrial illnesses are some of the other Mendelian disorders.

Mendelian disorders include the following:

  • Cystic Fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder.
  • Hemophilia is a sex-linked disorder.
  • Albinism and Sickle Cell Anaemia are two autosomal recessive disorders.

2. Chromosomal Abnormalities

Chromosomal disorders are genetic abnormalities caused by chromosome mutations. Chromosome diseases are caused by changes in the number and function of the chromosomes. A chromosomal problem is a genetic condition that affects multiple genes at once and can be lethal. It can happen when a complete chromosome is lost or gained.

The following are some examples of chromosomal disorders:

  • Down’s Syndrome is a condition caused by an extra chromosome on chromosome 21.
  • The absence of an X chromosome is a defining feature of Turner’s syndrome.
  • The inclusion of one X chromosome causes Kleinfelter’s syndrome, and so on.

3. Genetic Inheritance with Multiple Factors

Polygenic inheritance is also known as multifactorial inheritance. Multifactorial genetic inheritance occurs when several factors occur at the same time, resulting in genetic anomalies. Environmental variables, as well as gene mutation, have a role in such cases.

The following are some examples of multifactorial diseases:

  • Heart Problems
  • High Blood Pressure (HBP) is a condition
  • Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that affects people severely .
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis

4. Mitochondrial Inheritance

Mitochondrial Inheritance is a term that refers to the inheritance of mitochondria from one generation to the next

Mutations in the non-nuclear mitochondrial DNA cause these types of genetic diseases. In such instances, each mitochondrion typically contains 5 to 10 bits of DNA. These abnormalities are passed on from mother to child.

The following are some examples of such diseases:

  • Hereditary Optic Atrophy (Leber’s) (LHON).
  • Rough red threads in myoclonic epilepsy.
  • Mitochondrial encephalopathy is a condition that affects the brain’s mitochondria.
  • Lactic acidosis is a condition in which the body produces too much lactate in the body.

The following is a list of several genetic disorders.

  • Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that affects the lungs in humans.
  • Thalassemia
  • Huntington’s disease is a neurological disorder that affects people severely.
  • Haemochromatosis
  • Turner’s Syndrome is a condition that affects people.
  • Klinefelter’s Syndrome is a condition that affects people.
  • Hereditary Optic Atrophy (Leber’s)
  • Cancer
  • High Blood Pressure (HBP) is a condition in which
  • Obesity
  • Albinism
  • Apert Syndrome is a condition that affects people.
  • Down’s Syndrome is a condition in which a person is born

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Genetic Conditions?

Symptoms vary based on the type of disease, the organs involved, and the severity of the condition. You could have:

  • Distractions or shifts in behaviour.
  • Respiratory issues
  • The brain is unable to process information as it should due to mental deficit.
  • Speech or community skills difficulties as a result of developmental delays.
  • Problems with eating and digestion, such as difficulty swallowing or inability to assimilate nutrition.
  • Missing fingers or lips, as well as a fractured lip, are all examples of orthopaedic organs or the face.
  • Muscle stiffness or weakness causes movement problems.
  • Fainting or stroke are examples of neurological illnesses.
  • Short stature or poor growth.
  • The loss of sight or the loss of hearing.


Genetic counselling is a communication process aimed at assisting people and families in understanding and adapting to the medical consequences of genetic abnormalities. It is a method of determining whether a child will have a genetic condition or will have any genetic issue before birth. Counsellors in this field can help people and their families cope with the effects of genetic disorders, as well as treat them in some cases.

Gene therapy is used to treat a few hereditary illnesses. To learn more about hereditary illnesses and how to cure them, further research is continuously being done. Medical scientists are working hard to improve how they cope with such aberrations.