Regulation of genes in prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Gene expression is the molecular process through which a gene expresses a phenotype by producing a protein or an enzyme. Which determines the personality. A gene contains the blueprint or information for a protein or enzyme. This category includes mechanisms involved in the rapid on- and off-regulation of gene expression in response to environmental changes. Because bacteria are frequently subjected to sudden changes in their environment, regulating mechanisms of this type are very crucial.

Gene Expression in prokaryotes:

Chromosome proteins serve an important role in the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes. There are two kinds of chromosomal proteins. Histones and non-histones are the two categories of proteins. The interaction of histones with non-histones is involved in the regulation of gene expression. Non-histones promote RNA synthesis while histones inhibit protein synthesis. There are four major processes involved in gene expression. As a result, regulation is accomplished by controlling and altering one or more of these phases.

The operon model can be used to study the gene concept. An operon is defined by French scientists as a segment of genetic material that operates as a regulated unit that can be turned on and off. In 1961, Jacob and Monod were working at the Pasteur Institute. They were looking at lactose intake in E.coli mutants. An operon consists of one to nine structural genes (three in the lac operon and five in the tryptophan operon of Escherichia coli, nine in the histidine operon of Salmonella typhimurium), an operator gene, a promoter gene, a regulator gene, a repressor, and inducer or corepressor. There are two kinds of operons: inducible and repressible.

The need for the organism to defend itself resulted in the creation of various cellular activities. Gene silencing and other cellular processes evolved to protect cells from viruses and parasitic invasions. If a cell could turn off gene expression for a short period, it may survive an infection that other species couldn’t. As a result, the organism evolved a new survival mechanism that it was able to transmit down to its offspring. Transcription and translation occur simultaneously in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes, as does transcriptional regulation. 

Influencing the pace of transcriptional initiation is the most prevalent locus for controlling gene expression in prokaryotes. The activity of RNA polymerase at a given promoter is regulated in a transcription unit by interactions with accessory proteins, which can act both positively (activators) and negatively (deactivators) (repressors). The Lac operon can be utilised to study gene expression regulation.

Lactose is referred to as lactose in the lac operon. The lac operon is made up of three structural genes and one regulatory gene, the I gene, which codes for the lac operon’s repressor (z, y, and a). The z gene encodes beta-galactosidase (-gal), a hydrolase that transforms lactose and disaccharide into galactose and glucose. The y gene generates permease, which increases the cell’s permeability to -galactosidases. The gene codes for a transacetylase. Lactose is referred to as an inducer because it is the substrate for the enzyme beta-galactosidase, which controls operon switching on and off. When there isn’t an inducer, The I gene generates the operon’s repressor (constitutively – all of the time). The repressor protein binds to the operon’s operator region, preventing RNA polymerase from transcribing it. When an inducer is present, Interaction with the inducer deactivates the repressor, enabling RNA polymerase access to the promoter and transcription to begin. Negative regulation refers to repressor-mediated regulation of the lac operon.

Gene Expression in eukaryotes:

Eukaryotic gene expression is controlled in two ways: in the nucleus during transcription and RNA processing, and in the cytoplasm during protein translation. Protein post-translational modifications could be employed to further regulate the process. The control of gene expression. Gene expression results in the development of a polypeptide, which can be controlled at several stages, including transcription (formation of the primary transcript), processing (splicing regulation), and transport of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and translation.

Eukaryotes are organisms with a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles in their cells. Eukaryotic creatures include all mammals, plants, fungi, and protists, as well as the majority of algae. Eukaryotes are multicellular or single-celled organisms. The presence of internal membranes that separate sections of the eukaryotic cell from the remainder of the cytoplasm distinguishes eukaryotes from prokaryotes. Organelles are these membrane-bound structures.

The genetic material, or DNA, of eukaryotes, is stored in an organelle called the nucleus, where it is organised into lengthy molecules called chromosomes. Other organelles, such as mitochondria, which generate energy, are found in eukaryotic cells.


Therefore, in this unit, we learnt about gene expression and their regulation in prokaryotes as well as in eukaryotes. Gene expression is the molecular process through which a gene expresses a phenotype by producing a protein or an enzyme. Which determines the personality. A gene contains the blueprint or information for a protein or enzyme. This category includes mechanisms involved in the rapid on- and off-regulation of gene expression in response to environmental changes. Because bacteria are frequently subjected to sudden changes in their environment, regulating mechanisms of this type are very crucial.