An irreversible permanent increase in the size of an organ, its parts, or even a single cell can be classified as growth. Meristem cells, which are responsible for growth in plants, divide and self-perpetuate. Meristem cells can be found in several areas of the plant. Due to an orderly succession of development, a plant’s growth is divided into stages, starting with the zygote and ending with the fully formed plant. Each stage of development has differentiation, hence development is the sum of growth and differentiation.
Growth in Plants
Plants have the power to grow continuously throughout their lives. The basic growth of the plant is aided by the meristem cells found in the roots and shoot apical. The main growth that happens at the plant’s stem tips and roots contribute to the plant’s elongation along its axis.
The presence of meristems in dicotyledonous, gymnosperms, vascular cambium, and cork-cambium causes growth in later stages of plant development. These intercalary meristems help to expand the size of the plant’s organs in which they are active. Secondary growth is a term used to describe this type of growth.
Many metrics are used to quantify plant growth, such as volume, fresh weight, area, cell number, dry weight, length, and so on because plant growth is caused by an increase in protoplasm.
Differentiation is the process through which cells from the root apical and shoot apical meristems, as well as the cambium, develop and mature to execute specialised roles. The protoplasm and cell walls of the cell alter. To sustain tremendous tension while moving water over long distances, mature cells grow robust, lignocellulosic secondary cell walls.
Dedifferentiation is a phenomenon in which differentiated cells that have lost their ability to divide can regain it under particular conditions.
The intermediary phase is dedifferentiation. It’s labelled as a transitory phase in the diagram. The term chromatic decondensation is employed because the interphase coming up to mitosis produces greater chromosomal condensation and individualization. If mitosis continues, these chromosomes will now be passed on to other daughter cells. If a cell is not supplied with hormones, it will die.
Redifferentiation in Plants
Dedifferentiated cells cause this phenomenon to proliferate and create new cells, but they lose their ability to divide further and mature to execute specific functions instead.
A mature plant cell loses its ability to divide after being dedifferentiated. Redifferentiation is the term for this phenomenon.
The process of Dedifferentiated cells growing to execute specified roles while losing their ability to divide is known as redifferentiation. For example, secondary phloem, secondary xylem, secondary cortex, cork, and other secondary tissues are formed from interfascicular and cork cambium.
The loss of differentiated cells’ ability to divide is referred to as redifferentiation. It allows differentiated plant cells to function as functionally specialised cells. After preparing the plant body for physiological or structural change by dedifferentiation, the treated differentiated cells revert to the redifferentiated state, executing a specified role.
The dedifferentiated vascular cambium, for example, redifferentiates into the secondary xylem and phloem after cell division. Secondary xylem and secondary phloem cells, on the other hand, are unable to divide further, and after maturation, these cells provide functions such as food and water conduction while maintaining the plant’s structural integrity.
Some plants use different growth routes to develop different sorts of structures in response to their surroundings or life stages. Plasticity is the name given to this characteristic of plants. Coriander leaves, for example, have a distinct form when they are young than when they are grown. Heterophylly is the term for this phenomenon. Cotton and larkspur have heterophylly as well. When buttercups develop in water, their leaves take on distinct shapes than when they grow in the air. Another example of plasticity is this.
The process of Dedifferentiated cells growing to execute specified roles while losing their ability to divide is known as redifferentiation. For example, secondary phloem, secondary xylem, secondary cortex, cork, and other secondary tissues are formed from interfascicular and cork cambium.
The loss of differentiated cells’ ability to divide is referred to as redifferentiation. It allows differentiated plant cells to function as functionally specialised cells. A mature plant cell loses its ability to divide after being dedifferentiated. Redifferentiation is the term for this phenomenon.