Property of Archimedes’ Principle

The Archimedean property, named after the ancient Greek mathematician Archimedes of Syracuse, is a property held by some algebraic structures, such as ordered or normed groups and fields, in abstract algebra and analysis. Given two positive numbers x and y, the property asserts that there exists an integer n such that nx > y. It also implies that the collection of natural numbers above is unbounded. [1] It is the property of not having indefinitely large or endlessly small constituents, to put it another way. Because it occurs as Axiom V of Archimedes’ On the Sphere and Cylinder, it was Otto Stolz who gave the axiom its name. 

The idea came from Ancient Greece’s theory of magnitudes, and it’s still used in modern mathematics in places like David Hilbert’s axioms for geometry and the theories of ordered groups, ordered fields, and local fields.

Archimedean structure is an algebraic structure in which any two non-zero elements are similar in the sense that neither is infinitesimal with regard to the other. Non-Archimedean structures have a pair of non-zero elements, one of which is infinitesimal in comparison to the other. A linearly ordered Archimedean group, for example, is an Archimedean group.

Archimedes Axiom

With slightly varied phrasing, this can be made more accurate in many scenarios. In the context of ordered fields, for example, The axiom of Archimedes formulates this fact in the context of ordered fields, where the field of real numbers is Archimedean, but the field of rational functions in real coefficients is not.

Any two positive distances are commensurable, according to the Archimedean principle, which means we may find a finite multiple of the smaller distance that will exceed the larger.

It’s worth mentioning that the Archimedean Property is one of the most important consequences of R’s completeness (Least Upper Bound Property). It’s especially crucial in establishing that an=1n converges to 0, which is a simple but fundamental truth.

 A scientist Otto Stolz (in the 1880s) named the notion after Archimedes of Syracuse, an ancient Greek geometer and scientist.

Magnitudes are stated to have a ratio to one another that can exceed one another when multiplied.

It’s also known as the “Theorem of Eudoxus” or the Eudoxus Axiom since Archimedes attributed it to Eudoxus of Cnidus.

Infinitesimals were utilised by Archimedes in heuristic arguments, although he rejected that they were complete mathematical proofs.

Completeness Axiom

One of the basis of real analysis is the completeness principle, which is a feature of real numbers. Every non-empty set that is bounded from above has a supremum, according to the most popular statement of this principle. This statement can be rephrased in a variety of ways.

Completeness Axiom If A R has an upper bound, it must also have a lower bound (sup A may or may not be an element of A). 

Let x and y be positive elements of a group G that is linearly ordered. Then x is infinite in relation to y (or, equivalently, y is infinite in relation to x) if the multiple nx is less than y for any natural integer n, that is, the following inequality holds. By using absolute values, this definition can be extended to the entire group.

If there is no pair (x, y) such that x is infinitesimal with regard to y, the group G is Archimedean.

A similar concept also applies to K if K is an algebraic structure with a unit (1), such as a ring. x is an infinitesimal element if it is infinitesimal with regard to 1. Similarly, if y is infinite in relation to 1, it is an endless element. If an algebraic structure K has no infinite or infinitesimal members, it is said to be Archimedes.

Completeness property 

Definition Given any positive x and y in F, the Archimedean Property holds if there is an integer n > 0 such that nx > y.

Theorem a collection of real numbers (an ordered field with the Least Upper Bound property)

The Archimedean Property is present.

This is the demonstration I gave in class. It’s one of the most common proofs. It’s all about the key.

Lemma is being followed.

Lemma From above, the set N of positive integers N ={ 0, 1, 2,… }is not bounded.

Proof Assume N is bounded from above, reasoning by contradiction. N

has the feature of least upper bound, then N has a least upper bound R. As a R

is the smallest such real for every n N

As a result, -1 is not an upper bound for N (it would be if it were, because -1< is not the least upper bound). As a result, there is some integer k with -1< k. Then k + 1 comes into play. This defies the fact that N has an upper bound.

The Theorem’s Proof Because x is greater than zero, the assertion that there is an integer n such that

If there is no such n, then nx > y is similar to finding a n with n > y/x for some n.

For all integers n, y/x. That example, y/x would be the integers’ upper bound. This is in opposition to the Lemma. 


In this article we have seen Archimedes completeness property and principles related to it which will help in understanding the concept and further help in solving the question. This property has it’s own importance in real analysis . It is one the most important theorem of real analysis. We have dealt from very basic to complex concepts so it will help in better understanding of the concept.