
Scientific Revolution

Scientific revolution refers to the series of events between 1540 and 1700 that led to the birth of modern science. But why is the birth of science referred to as a revolution? It’s because science was an entirely novel concept. It was a completely different perspective of the world. Before the scientific revolution, most educated […]

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Sociology, UPSC

Robert K. Merton

Bronislaw Malinowski invented the phrases ‘manifest’ and ‘latent’ functions in 1923 while studying the Trobriand Islanders of the Western Pacific. Merton used it for sociology. He is intent on honing functional analysis’ conceptual tools. Each system in society has an interrelated role. These processes stabilise society. Societal instability stems from systemic uncoverable functionalities that exist.

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Sociology, UPSC

Research Methodology

Every concept, idea, and subject has inner meanings to it. Research is the ideal tool to bring out this innate understanding. Research has helped us reach a potential understanding of a topic, covering almost all its aspects. Just imagine yourself buying apples for the first time. Would you not like to know about its origin

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Sociology, UPSC

Religion and Society

Religion’s existence in human civilisation is one of the most persistent social phenomena that stimulates sociological analysis, it is intertwined with the fabric of daily social life. Religion appears to have a stabilising effect in society, yet it has also been used to foment hatred and commit crimes against humanity. It has been a primary

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Sociology, UPSC

Religion and Science

The relationship between religion and science can be considered to be one of the most debated topics in the world. Some of the arguments on the relationship between science and religion create a conflict, while others think it is two different institutions that deal with the two different human experiences. Some religious and scientific organisations

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Sociology, UPSC

Reference Group

Sociology is a field of study dealing with social life, social causes, social change, and human behavioural consequences. It is mainly the study of human interactions. The study is made via conducting legitimate social research and experiments on social groups, organisations, or institutions.A reference group in sociology can be referred to as a collection of

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Sociology, UPSC

Protestant Ethic

Max Weber (pronounced Vaber) was an expert on a variety of subjects, including law, economics, religion, and history, and he is widely regarded as sociology’s most significant figure. Weber was fascinated by the similarities and differences of societies at various times and locations.  Weber claimed that thoughts have a significant influence on societal change. The

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Sociology, UPSC

Pressure Groups

Pressure group is a group of individuals who are actively organised to promote and defend common interests. It is so called because it tries to put pressure on the government to change security. Pressure groups, vested groups and interest groups are one and the same thing and are often used interchangeably. They are distinct from

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Sociology, UPSC