
Work, Energy and Power

Work, Energy, and Power: Introduction Living beings must perform several life processes to survive. Work, Energy, and Power are the main criteria dependent on each other to carry out these processes. The energy for these processes comes from food. Work can only be done if a force is applied and there is motion or displacement

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Physics, UPSC

What is Wave Motion?

Wave motion is associated with the disturbances that propagate from an inertial state of rest or equilibrium and attains a significant state of motion. It moves from one point to the other in an organised manner. The most prominent wave motion can be noticed in the water bodies through the ripples and tides. Wave motion

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Physics, UPSC

Van der Waals Equation

Van der Waals Equation (or Van der Waals equation of state) helps us in understanding the behaviour of real gas. It is used extensively in chemistry and thermodynamics. In 1873 Johannes Van der Waals formulated this equation. This is basically an upgraded version of the ideal gas law. If you have heard about this equation

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Physics, UPSC