
Subject-Verb Agreement

Introduction  In English grammar, the subject and verb in a sentence play a great role in delivering a proper meaning of a sentence. It is very important in a sentence that the verb and subject agree with each other’s number and tense. In the case of a sentence that contains a singular subject it must […]

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English, SSC

Starting Point

The specific point from which the participants in a race can begin their race is stated as the “Starting Point”. The starting point is required to set the target point and ensure equal distance for all the participants. The participant can determine his approach by looking at the target point from the starting point. The

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English, SSC


The term spelling is considered as a formation of a word that provides a complete meaning or sense. According to English grammar, spelling is the correct order of various letters in a word. The order of a word differs according to the different languages or literature. The primary unit of spelling is letters or alphabets. 

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English, SSC

Situation Reaction Test

The Situational Reaction Test is an instrument that helps the selection board in scrutinizing candidates. In the initial time of invention, this test was limited and continuous structuring helps this instrument in being effective for numerous fields of recruitment. This test helps to evaluate the reliability of candidates for selected job roles. In order to

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English, SSC

Simple Present

The Simple Present tense is used to “express the habits”, “truths that are in general”, “actions that are repetitive” or “not changing situations”, “wishes”, “emotions” and so on. About simple present tense “Simple Present Tense” is a type of tense among the other forms of present tense in the English language. It is typically used

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English, SSC

Simple Past

While speaking or writing something, we generally use “verbs” which help in expressing the state of the actions. There are 12 major verb tenses in English. These tenses are used while speaking to identify the actions that happened in respect of time. In the case of the “Simple Past Tense,” we need to beat off

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English, SSC

Simple Future

Simple Future Tense is a form of verbs that are used to discuss the things that are yet to happen. It is basically required to talk about the actions or the conditions that are going to start along with the endings that are going to happen in the future. In the English language verbs are

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English, SSC

Sentence Correction

Assembling the words in correct manners that prove a complete sense is known as a sentence but the process of rearranging the words to get a complete sense is considered as sentence correction. The proper sequence of a word is very important to get the right meaning of any sentence with proper grammar rules. How

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English, SSC


The word ‘race’ means competition of speed especially applicable in the case of games and sports. In the case of games, each of the competitors wants to finish their given task within a significant amount of time and this creates a race between the participants. Though races create a heavy run, competition due to race

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English, SSC