
Word Roots

The basic words in English, without any suffixes or prefixes, can be categorized as Root words. Moreover, to describe root words, it can be said that root words are complete words that can not be broken further. It can build its meaning without taking the help of suffixes and prefixes in the English language. Identification […]

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English, SSC

Word Meanings

Words are considered to be the currency of communication and so it is important for people to understand the correct meaning of words used by them. Besides, learning the meaning of new words which is not commonly used in contemporary English can also be profitable for individuals as it can improve the overall vocabulary of

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English, SSC

Winning Point or Goal

The main goal of every “racer” is to make a “personal record” on the similar distance that has been completed by the “racer” earlier. This making of personal records will self-motivate the “runner” and can enhance the speed and decrease the time. It can also enhance the fitness and satisfaction level of the “runner”.   Importance

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English, SSC


Winner prediction is an important research area for planning that ensures decision-making with an effective architecture into a winning prediction. The winner can capture various features of games and sports as it has various sizes of filters. The winning player performs more winning points while the loser player significantly more unforced errors. Determining the Winner

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English, SSC


The “verbs” are considered as the doing words. The “verbs” describe states or actions. The verbs” tells about the things they perform or what the verbs are like. Few examples of “verbs” are, eat, walk, think, work, run and many more. Along with all the nouns, the “verbs” are considered as the elementary unit of

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English, SSC

Two Premise Arguments

In order to grow in professional life, everyone needs to be able to reason using logic. It is important for everyone to have this sense of logical reasoning as it denotes success in life. Logical reasoning defines leadership abilities in every employee of an entry-level corporate or a mature corporate. Therefore, a good understanding of

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English, SSC

Time Sequence Test

Time sequence test is associated with appropriate prediction of required time, date, or a particular day based on given information regarding date and time. However, the “time sequence test” is helpful because this requires less time and one individual can get appropriate results regarding some other date or time based on some existing time factor

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English, SSC


The word tense has originated from the Latin word “Tempus” meaning time. The concept of tense can be used to refer to time. The “Tense” of a verb refers to the specific form of a verb that shows the time and state of action and event in present, past and future state. Tense can imply

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English, SSC


Tenses are an important part to be studied in the context of the subject English. It forms the base of the English language. Tenses can be defined as a certain category of verbal communication that relates to or explains the time of occurrence of the event. The tenses are classified into three broad headers- Past,

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English, SSC


Etymology of the synonyms generally means any particular words that have the same meaning or sense as another. Let us learn more about them. Definition of synonyms with example The term synonym is defined as a word or phrase as well as morpheme that has exactly the same meaning or nearly the same meaning as

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English, SSC