Atoms and Nuclei

A Short Note on Scattering Experiment

The collision of a particle with another particle causes a shift in the direction of a particle, this is known as scattering. A collision can occur between two particles that may or may not repel one another, such as two positive, two negative ions, and does not have to include actual physical contact between the […]

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, Mass defect and binding energy, NEET, Physics

A Brief Note on Types of Binding Energy

The energy required to separate a particle from a bunch of particles or disperse all the bunch’s particles by applying force is called binding energy. In simple words, it is dismantling all the system particles into separate units.  F.W. Aston discovered binding energy in 1920. The term binding energy comes in physics under the branch

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, Mass defect and binding energy, NEET, Physics

What Happens in Alpha Decay

The French physicist Henry Becquerel discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity in 1896. He observed that few invisible rays are spontaneously emitted from the uranium and its compounds, which can penetrate the black paper and silver. These rays are also able to affect the photographic plate wrapped in paper. These rays were named becquerel rays. The

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, NEET, Physics, Radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma decay

Uses of Isotones

Let us look into the concept of isotones. All matter is made up of atoms in different arrangements. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Every proton has a positive charge, every electron has a negative charge and every neutron is neutral. It is an important concept in nuclear physics. It is an

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, NEET, Physics, Radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma decay

Units of Radioactivity

Radioactivity is the state of the nucleus that is seeking stable configuration. It is the act of emitting radiation autonomously, as the term implies. An unstable atomic nucleus gives up some energy in order to shift to a more stable state. A nucleus has many neutrons that emit a negative beta particle, converting one of

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, NEET, Physics, Radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma decay

Types Of Fossils

Fossils are the preserved remnants of plants and animals that were buried in sediments like sand and mud beneath ancient oceans, lakes, and rivers. Any preserved sign of life that is more than 10,000 years old is considered a fossil. Soft body components disintegrate quickly after death, but hard body parts like bones, shells, and

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, NEET, Physics, Radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma decay

The Properties Of Beta

Alpha, beta, and gamma decay are aftereffects of three crucial powers: the ‘solid’ power, the ‘frail’ power, and the ‘electromagnetic’ power. In each of the three cases, the emanation of radiation builds the core strength by changing its proton-neutron proportion. On account of alpha radiation, the core endeavours to track down dependability by emanating an

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, NEET, Physics, Radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma decay

Radioactivity – Alpha, Beta and Gamma Particles/Rays

Introduction This naming shows the three sorts of radiation that has been used since their revelation and still applies today. The ancient Greek letters were familiar to physicists fed by old-style culture. Alpha ray is the name for the discharge of an alpha molecule, helium nuclei, beta radiation is the outflow of electrons or positrons,

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, NEET, Physics, Radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma decay

Radioactive Radiations

Radioactive elements have unstable nuclei, due to which the protons and neutrons continue to disintegrate and release energy in the process. This energy is emitted in the form of several ionic radiations. Based on the disintegration and the ionic charges, these radiations can be classified into three main categories.  Each type of radiation is radioactive

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, NEET, Physics, Radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma decay

Properties of Gamma Rays

Gamma rays were first observed during radioactive decay. In 1899, Rutherford first differentiated between this and the other two rays. Initially, he considered this ray as a fast beta particle. But later, with the help of a magnetic field test, when it was established that it has no charged particle, then that old idea was

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Atoms and Nuclei, Class 12, NEET, Physics, Radioactivity, alpha, beta, and gamma decay