Class 12

Difference between Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide

One carbon atom and two oxygen atoms make up carbon dioxide. One carbon atom and one oxygen atom make up carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide is a non-toxic gas that is naturally present in the atmosphere and is excreted by animals and people. Carbon mono-oxide is a non-toxic gas formed by incomplete combustion of organic molecules. […]

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Control of Air Pollution

Techniques used to limit or eliminate chemicals that can affect both environment or human health from being released into the atmosphere are known as air pollution control. Alongside wastewater treatment, solid waste management, and hazardous waste management, air pollution control is one of the most important aspects of pollution control. When certain compounds are present

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Concerns Regarding the Environment

Almost everyone has a viewpoint on environmental concerns, from politicians to community campaigners. While opinions differ, there is no doubt that the environment has an impact on all of us. We look at topical themes like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity in this book, and explain how you can help keep the planet healthy. Environmental

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Climate control

The climate of India is complex, with a wide range of weather conditions over a large geographic area and varying topography, making generalisations difficult. India has six distinct climatic subtypes, ranging from dry deserts in the west to alpine tundra and glaciers in the north, and wet tropical areas with rain forests in the southwest

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Causes of Air Pollution

Air pollution is described as a change in air quality that is measured by chemical, biological, or physical contaminants in the atmosphere. As a result, air pollution refers to the undesired presence of contaminants in the atmosphere, as well as an abnormal increase in the quantity of certain atmospheric constituents. Air pollution can be divided

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Biochemical Oxygen Demand

The amount of oxygen required or requested by aerobic bacteria to break down the organic matter contained in a specific sample of water at a specific temperature and during a specific time period is known as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Water bodies have a specific amount of dissolved oxygen on which aquatic life relies for

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Avoid Using Vehicles

When fuel burns in an internal combustion electric motor, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons are produced. The emissions from vehicle exhausts, which contain air and fuel residuals, are another source of contamination. During refuelling and then when fuel evaporates from electric motors and fuel systems as a result of vehicle operation or warmer temperatures,

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Air pollution control

Air pollution is defined as the presence of dangerous chemicals or compounds in the air (including those of biological origin) at levels that are injurious to one’s health. In a broader sense, air pollution refers to the presence of chemicals or substances in the air that are not normally present and that degrade the quality

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Air Pollution

A pollutant released into the atmosphere is known as air pollution. Pollutants such as these are bad for health and the overall health of the environment. Global air pollution is estimated to cause nearly seven million deaths each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates. People in low and lower-middle countries are the

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET

Air Pollutants

Most people are unaware that more than 90% of the world’s population breathes dirty air, according to the World Health Organisation. When you look at the causes of air pollution, you’ll notice that humans are the primary source of pollution.Industrialisation is having both beneficial and harmful effects on humanity and the environment.Furthermore, one of the

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Environmental issues: Pollution, global warming, ozone depletion, NEET