Class 12

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy definition Gene therapy is a medical process that is used to prevent diseases by treating the genes of a person. Some conditions can be cured by altering or adding genes to a person’s body. It is limited to some cases only, but doctors may allow genes over drugs or surgery, if successful in […]

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Mixed inhibition

Mixing inhibition is a kind of enzyme inhibition in which the inhibitor can bind to the enzyme regardless of whether or not the enzyme has already bound the substrate, but the inhibitor has a higher affinity for one state over another.  Because it can be thought of as a conceptual “mixture” of competitive inhibition, in

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Mixed Cropping

A type of farming that includes both crop production and livestock rearing is known as mixed farming. This type of agriculture can be found in Asia and India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, South Africa, China, Central Europe, Canada, and Russia. Even though it was originally intended for domestic use, countries such as the United States and

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Free-Living Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria

As a classification under biological nitrogen fixation, natural systems and agriculture systems are further categorised into several categories of organisms. One such type of microorganisms includes free-living organisms that hardly depend on any other living organism to continue their survival in the environment. Free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria are classified under the same category that places a

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Microscope Use

Microscopy is the study of using a microscope to examine small objects and structures in greater detail. The term “microscopic” refers to something that is undetectable to the naked eye until examined under a microscope. There are many distinct types of microscopes, and they can be classified in a variety of ways. To describe the

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Microorganisms Friend And Foe

A microorganism is a living organism that is so small that it can only be observed under a microscope Microorganisms play a critical role in the maintenance of ecological balance in our environment. They can be found all around us and within us. They help to maintain the health of organisms as well as to

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering


There is background information on microorganisms in this guide, as well as for instructions for three activities that will help students better understand microorganisms and how they relate to everyday life and Zion National Park. When students complete the activities in the correct order, they will reap the greatest benefits. Specifically designed for sixth-grade classrooms,

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Microbes vs Disease

When you think of a microbe, you probably think of a microorganism, which is a microscopic organism that can’t be seen with the naked eye. In the case of pathogenic microbes, which are harmful and capable of causing microorganism diseases, the term pathogen is used. Not all microbes, on the other hand, are harmful and

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Food Production

For the development and survival of all organisms, food is essential for their nutrition. It is necessary to increase food production in order to meet the demands of an expanding population.  Plant breeding, animal husbandry, and modern technologies such as tissue culture, genetic engineering, and embryo transfer have all contributed to a significant increase in

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Food Processing

Food processing is not a concept of recent times. We all have heard about people drying harvested grains to increase their shelf life for later use. Also, every Indian household has homemade pickles; they comprise vegetables mixed in spices and oil and then kept in the sun to dehydrate them for use later in the

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering