Class 12

Symptoms of Protozoal Infection

Protozoa may be found in almost every environment. They may survive in the environment as free-living creatures, commonly in soil, water, or moss. They can also be resting cysts, allowing them to stay dry periods. Furthermore, certain protozoa are parasitic. Others exist in symbiosis with other organisms, dependent on each other to survive. Protozoa is […]

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Surface Chemistry

Surface chemistry is a subfield of chemistry that studies the processes that occur at the interfaces of phases, such as solid and liquid, solid and gas and liquid and liquid. This subject is critical to our daily lives and a variety of sectors, ranging from materials and paints to medicine and biotechnology. Surfaces are critical

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Substrate Property

Enzymes play an important role in various actions and reactions of the body. However, they do not always act independently and often depend on other body components, such as substrates, which are molecules that these enzyme molecules can latch on to and use as catalysts to speed up their actions. Typically, in chemistry, a substrate

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Structure and Properties of Enzymes

Introduction Enzymes are protein-based bio-catalysts that speed up biological reactions while having no effect on the final product’s nature. Enzymes, like catalysts, govern the rate and specificity of reactions without being consumed, but unlike catalysts, enzymes are only produced by living organisms. Enzymes, like catalysts, affect the rate of biochemical reactions so that they can

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Strategies in the enhancement of food

Food is the most necessary resource for all living organisms. Like a car needs fuel, all living beings need food for proper functioning. Everything from plants to fungi, all living organisms need food to stay alive. Primarily, food is grown in fields by farmers, but, along with farming, there are various strategies from which we

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

Introduction As food is a necessity for almost every living creature, including human beings, its demand has increased manifold due to uncontrolled population growth. Unfortunately, this has also exposed the world to the problem of food scarcity. As a result, some strategies have been developed to counter this looming problem to enhance food production. Some

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Steps of Tissue Culture

Plant and animal tissue fragments are cultured and grown in a laboratory environment using the technique known as Tissue Culture. Organs are frequently employed in the process of Tissue Culture. Broth and agar are the media that are used to promote the development of the Culture. Micropropagation is another term used to describe this technique.

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Stephen Reaction Mechanism

Beginning with the Addition of Gaseous Hydrogen Chloride to the Given Nitrile, the Stephen Reaction Mechanism occurs. In honor of its creator Henry Stephen, the reaction is called the Stephen aldehyde synthesis. The reaction entails converting nitriles into aldehydes using tin(II) chloride and hydrochloric acid, followed by quenching the resultant iminium salt in water. Another

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering


According to microbiology, Spirillum is a gram-negative, motile helical cell with tufts of whiplike flagella at either end. Spirillum volutans is the largest spirillum, with a helix that is 5 to 8 m (micrometres; 1 m = 10-6 metre) wide and 60 m long.  minus, which may be found in seemingly healthy mice and rats’ blood, can be passed

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Somatic Gene Therapy

Somatic gene therapy focuses on improving genetic illness by the manipulation of nonreproductive or somatic tissues. Excluding some of the defective cells and injecting them with a cloned wild-type gene is part of this gene therapy procedure. The corrected gene function is subsequently provided by the transgenic cells, which are transplanted into the patient’s body.

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering