Class 12


Vibrio spp. are highly motile Gram-negative bacteria, mainly found in aquatic environments. Some Vibrios are meant for causing disease and morbidity in marine invertebrates and humans, whereas others are best studied for their symbiotic interactions. Vibrio spp. is motile because of the synthesis of flagella that rotates and propels the bacteria. Many species of Vibrio […]

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Process of Wastewater Treatment

There are two types of wastewater treatment plants: chemical or physical treatment plants and biological wastewater treatment plants. Chemical or physical treatment plants are the most common. Biological waste treatment plants break down waste matter by utilising biological matter and bacteria. As an alternative, physical waste treatment plants treat wastewater through the use of chemical

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering


Yeasts are generally unicellular fungi reproducing asexually by the process of budding or fission and sexually by spore formation. Emil Christian Hansen’s studies, over 30 years, have provided an insight into the biological features of yeasts and facilitated their differentiation and their characterization as species. Currently, greater than 500 species of yeasts, belonging to around

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

What is Fermenters

One of the oldest methods of food preservation is fermentation. It has changed, refined, and diversified throughout the centuries. Fermentation has remained an important technology throughout mankind’s history, despite developments in food science and technology giving rise to a wide spectrum of new food technologies. Fermentation is said to provide numerous advantages. It preserves and

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

What is DNA Ligase

DNA ligase is a protein that is used in both DNA repair and DNA replication (see Mammalian ligases). Furthermore, DNA ligase is often used in molecular biology laboratories for recombinant DNA research (see Research applications). Purified DNA ligase is used in gene cloning to link together DNA molecules to create recombinant DNA. DNA ligase works

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

What is Biotechnology?

Biotechnology is the integration of natural sciences and advanced engineering techniques to supply or manufacture products and services using cells, portions of creatures, and chemicals. The term biotechnology means producing products from raw materials with the help of living organisms. The process of baking bread is an example of biotechnology in action, as it involves

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

What do Vaccines do?

Want to know what do Vaccines do? They are the most efficient and safest way to protect your child against infectious is a type of medication that prepares the body’s immune system to fight a disease that it has never seen before. Vaccines are designed to prevent disease rather than cure it after it has occurred;

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Viruses and Viroids

Introduction There are many microorganisms present around us. Some of them are beneficial, while some are harmful. We all have suffered from symptoms of the common cold that include runny nose, sneezing and feeling feverish at some point in our life. The doctor does not prescribe an antibiotic, an effective medicine against bacterial infections, for

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering

Virus and Bacteria

Microorganisms are divided into two categories: viruses and bacteria. Microorganisms are microscopic organisms which are not visible to naked eye. Viruses and Bacteria are found in the soil, water, and air we breathe. Bacteria and viruses live on our bodies as well. Bacteria and viruses are extremely essential to us because they produce a variety

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering


Vibrio is a genus of Gram-negative bacteria with a curved rod (comma) shape. Several species are capable of causing foodborne infection, which is typically associated with eating raw seafood. Vibrio species are typically found in salt water and are facultative anaerobes that test positive for oxidase but do not produce spores. The entire genus is

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Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET, Principles of biotechnology: Genetic engineering