Class 12

Microbes in Human Welfare

Microbes are everywhere–in soil, water, air, within our bodies which are of different animals and plants. they’re present even at sites wherever no different life-form could probably exist–sites like deep within the geysers (thermal vents) wherever the temperature could also be as high as 1000C, deep within the soil, below the layers of snow many […]

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET

Food adulteration

Introduction Food is a fundamental requirement of existence. The food we eat is absorbed by our bodies and used to fuel metabolic processes and maintain our physical and mental well-being. Food is required for growth as well as for a variety of other biological processes. Vegetables, fruits, beans, pulses, grains, and other foods are included

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET


Introduction The mesocarp or pulp fraction, which is commercialised as “Mesquite flour” by some companies, contains the majority of the sugars, organic acids, and volatiles responsible for flavour and aroma, as well as proteins and polyphenolics with nutritional value. Because commercial milling processes do not completely separate the pulp from the fibrous covering that surrounds

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET


Introduction Filariasis is an irresistible tropical illness brought about by any of a few string-like parasitic roundworms. The two types of worms most frequently connected with this illness are Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi. The larval type of the parasite sends the illness to people by the chomp of a mosquito. In the beginning phases

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET

Medicine and Healthcare

Medicine has been practised since prehistoric times. In most cases, it was an art (a field of skill and knowledge) generally associated with the religious and philosophical beliefs of the local culture. For example, shamans used herbs to pray for healing, and ancient philosophers and doctors used the theory of humour to exsanguinate. Since the

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET

Excretory System- Earthworm, Cockroach and Frog

The Earthworm is a reddish-brown terrestrial invertebrate that dwells in the upper layer of moist soil It belongs to phylum Annelida. It feeds on a wide variety of organic matter  and lives in burrows made by swallowing and boring the soil. Pheretima posthuma and Lumbricus  terrestris are the most common Indian earthworms. The earthworm’s faecal

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET

Examples of Biopiracy

The business of genetic resources commercialisation is booming. These include high-demand commercial trades of cosmetics, drugs, genetically enhanced crops, animal material, and so on. Most of these materials are protected through patents that provide the title of novelty to them. However, these materials are not new, as their genetic resources developed depending on known traditional

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET


The practice of cultivation of the soil, production of crops, and raising livestock by the application of the knowledge of science and art is referred to as agriculture. It also involves the marketing and preparation of the products formed through it. This process involves the use of various machines, manures, and fertilizers for proper cultivation.

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET


Bile is a dark greenish-yellow material that aids in the breakdown of lipids, particularly fat, into fatty acids. It is typically alkaline in nature.Bile is made up of a variety of substances, including bile salts, cholesterol, water, colours such as bilirubin, body salts, and metals.Bile aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins as well as

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET


Pesticides with a biological origin are known as biopesticides. It encompasses all pest-controlling natural products and organisms.  Plants, animals, microbes, fungus, bacteria, nematodes, and other species produce biopesticides. Biopesticides primarily operate on pests rather than altering plant physiology or providing nutrition.  Bacteria, fungi, viruses, compounds originating from plants, such as neem oil, or genetically engineered

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Applications: GMOs, biopesticides, bioethics, Biology, Biotechnology and Its Applications, Class 12, NEET