Class 12

Effects Of Water On Human civilisation

The impact of water on public health has been studied throughout history. Farming and settlement expansion led to the emergence of the challenge that mankind now faces: how to get drinking water for humans and animals, as well as how to manage the trash we produce. The availability of huge amounts of water has been […]

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Ecosystem: Patterns, Components; Productivity and Decomposition

Introduction The ecosystem is defined as a self-sustaining and self-regulatory structural and functional unit of the biosphere comprising of a community of living beings and a physical environment both interacting and exchanging materials among them. A.G Tansley firstly coined the term ecosystem in 1935.  Types of Ecosystem There are two types of ecosystem:  Terrestrial ecosystem:

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Ecosystem Services

Nature has long served humanity in almost every area. The vast amount of outcomes and services we extract from nature is valuable. These products and services that humans obtain from the environment are called nature services, better known as ecosystem services.  As these ecosystem services are usually not purchased or sold directly in the market,

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Ecosystem Diversity

An ecosystem is a geographical system that consists of living and non-living entities which coexist together in harmony. The biotic (or living) components include humans, animals, and plants. The abiotic (or nonliving) components include weather, sunlight, water, soil, etc. They do not exist independently of one another. Rather, they work in sync and interact with

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Ecosystem Components

Ecosystem Components:  An ecosystem has two components – Biotic Components Abiotic Components  1) Biotic Components: Living things are defined in biotic components. Biological components such as microorganisms, trees, plants, animals and humans. Biological components are classified on the basis of energy, need and source. This is the classification 1) Producer 2) Consumer  3) Decomposer 1)

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET


What is an Ecosystem? An ecosystem can be described as the product of interactions between a particular area’s biotic and abiotic components. Each ecosystem is formed by multiple components and has unique importance. Hence, the ecosystem varies from region to region due to variations in components. However, the concept of ecosystem, its formation, importance, and

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Economical role of Biodiversity

Numerous economic factors support recognising biodiversity’s benefits. Some economists debate whether biodiversity is essentially valuable regardless of its benefits to humans. In a varied environment, no one species can fully utilise all possible niches. Because human economic activity is strongly reliant on Earth’s ecosystems, maintaining appropriate bio productivity is vital. Humans are not the only

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Economic Utilities

It is possible to define economic utility as the entire amount of satisfaction derived from the use of a given product or service. When evaluating how much fulfillment is required to meet a given need or want, it can be quite helpful. Businesses attempt to boost the utility or perceived worth of their products and

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Ecology and Environment Study Material

Introduction to Ecology and Environment Ecology and environment are not the same, therefore, ecology refers to the overall study and knowledge of the biosphere. However, an environment is formed due to the interconnections and links among the living beings and the physical world around them in their surroundings such as land, water as well as

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET


The term “environment” refers to all the factors that influence and affect the growth and sustainability of all species on the planet. It is the immediate environment in which living beings exist and function.Ecology is the study of organisms’ interactions with their physical and biological surroundings.Organisms and their environment are inextricably linked and dependent on


Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET