Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow

Biotic and Abiotic

Abiotic components, also known as abiotic factors in biology and ecology, are non-living chemical and physical components of the environment that have an impact on the survival of live species and the functioning of ecosystems. Abiotic factors and the phenomena linked with them serve as the foundation for all of biology. They have an impact […]

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET


The phrase “biotic components” refers to all of the living things that comprise an ecosystem. The animals, the plants, and the microorganisms are examples of this. The waste from living things and the remains of dead species are also considered to be biotic components. Even the most inhospitable regions of our world have biological components.


Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Biosphere Structure

The term ‘biosphere’ was proposed by geologist Eduard Suess in 1875, which he explained as the place on Earth where the existence of life takes place. The idea of biosphere structure came along with the existence of animals, plants, microorganisms, humans, i.e., all living creatures. The biosphere structure has existed for around 3.5 billion years.

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET


The biosphere is a limited zone on the earth’s surface where water, soil, and air come together to support life. Only in biospherecan life exist. There are many diverse sorts of life, ranging from fungus and bacteria to huge animals. The biosphere is defined as an area which comprises all living species as well as

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Biological Economic Value

Economic value is defined as the value a person attaches to something, could be a commodity, a service, etc., based on the benefits they derive from it. This value is often demonstrated by the person’s willingness to pay a certain amount of money (because it is economic) to have such goods or services. The more

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Biodiversity Definition

Biodiversity consists of two words, bio, which means life, and diversity, which means a wide( variety). Biodiversity can be defined as a huge batch of species of germs, algae, fungi, grains and creatures occurring on the planet, either in territorial or oceanic habitats and ecological networks . Biodiversity is the occurrence of different types of

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Afforestation and Deforestation

Plants are the most important things in our ecology. It plays an important role in maintenance of balance within the ecosystem. They provide oxygen in the earth’s environment and utilise carbon dioxide from the environment. After the industrial revolution, deforestation can be observed worldwide. All these are impacting the environment negatively resulting in global warming,

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET