Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow

Economical role of Biodiversity

Numerous economic factors support recognising biodiversity’s benefits. Some economists debate whether biodiversity is essentially valuable regardless of its benefits to humans. In a varied environment, no one species can fully utilise all possible niches. Because human economic activity is strongly reliant on Earth’s ecosystems, maintaining appropriate bio productivity is vital. Humans are not the only […]

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Economic Utilities

It is possible to define economic utility as the entire amount of satisfaction derived from the use of a given product or service. When evaluating how much fulfillment is required to meet a given need or want, it can be quite helpful. Businesses attempt to boost the utility or perceived worth of their products and

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Ecology and Environment Study Material

Introduction to Ecology and Environment Ecology and environment are not the same, therefore, ecology refers to the overall study and knowledge of the biosphere. However, an environment is formed due to the interconnections and links among the living beings and the physical world around them in their surroundings such as land, water as well as

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET


The term “environment” refers to all the factors that influence and affect the growth and sustainability of all species on the planet. It is the immediate environment in which living beings exist and function.Ecology is the study of organisms’ interactions with their physical and biological surroundings.Organisms and their environment are inextricably linked and dependent on


Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Ecological Functions

All the ecosystem’s functions are controlled and delicately balanced. The effects of plants, animals, and microbes’ collective life activities (e.g., feeding, growing, moving, excreting waste) on the physical and chemical conditions of their environment are reflected in ecosystem functioning. Ecosystem functions (also called ecosystem processes or ecological processes) are biological, geochemical, and physical processes that

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Disadvantages of pyramid of energy

Diagrams of an ecological pyramid are used to display the biomass or bioproductivity at each trophic level in a given ecosystem. In a pyramid of energy, the amount of energy retained in the form of new biomass at each trophic level is shown, whereas in a pyramid of biomass, the amount of biomass (or the

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Difference Between Biome and Ecosystem

Biomes are largely governed by the geography and climate of a location. Thus, a biome is an internationally recognised geoclimatic zone that is home to species such as plants and animals. A desert is an example of a biome, and its climate, precipitation, and terrain all contribute to its identification. An ecosystem is a geographical

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Consumptive Use Value of Biodiversity

We all are dependent on the natural environment for our livelihood. But over utilisation of natural resources causes the destruction of biodiversity. Therefore, consumptive use value is the method to measure the worth of biodiversity by the local people or tribal groups. It is very difficult to measure consumptive use value as there are no

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Components of Ecosystem

Ecosystem components: The term ‘eco’ refers to the environment, and the term system’ refers to a functioning unit. The ecosystem is regarded as an interactive system in which the components of the ecosystem interact with one another through the exchange of energy and the flow of nutrients between them. Ecology is the study of ecosystems

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Classification and Biodiversity: Why Classification is Necessary

Biodiversity refers to the whole ecosystem of living organisms and the diversity within them. Biodiversity refers to the variation among the species, within the species and within an ecosystem. Walter G. Rosen coined the term “biodiversity” in 1986. Biodiversity has both ecological and economic value. It provides food, fuel, clothing and other resources. It also

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET