Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow

Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells

Biodiversity consists of two words, bio, which means life, and diversity, which means a wide( variety). Biodiversity can be defined as a huge batch of species of germs, algae, fungi, grains and creatures occurring on the planet, either in territorial or oceanic habitats and ecological networks . Biodiversity is the occurrence of different types of […]

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET


In ecology, the term productivity refers to the rate at which biomass is produced in an ecosystem. It is typically expressed in units of mass per unit volume (unit surface) per unit of time, such as grammes per square metre per day (g m2 d1), but it can also be expressed in units of mass


Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET


Producers are autotrophs by definition, which means they feed themselves. This category of organisms creates food in the form of energy-rich compounds such as carbohydrates by using solar energy (photosynthesis) or, more rarely, inorganic chemical reactions (chemosynthesis). This process, the synthesis of carbon dioxide into organic molecules, is known as primary production, and it is

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Primary Productivity

Primary productivity is defined in ecological terms as the production of organic compounds by the biological process of photosynthesis. In other words, it is the number of organic compounds produced per unit of time. Also known as the rate at which solar energy is converted into organic substances by the process of photosynthetic and chemosynthetic

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Primary consumers

A consumer in a food chain is a living creature that consumes organisms from a different population than the one that it is a part of. A consumer is considered as a heterotroph, whereas a producer is considered as an autotroph. Both are organisms that derive their energy from the metabolism of other living things.

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Marine Biodiversity

Marine biodiversity is a collection of highly interconnected ecosystem components or features that span all levels of biological organisation, from genes to species to populations to ecosystems, and each level’s diversity has structural and functional attributes. Furthermore, marine biodiversity, or any of its components, can be measured at a variety of time and spatial scales.

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Living Fossil

Fossil fuel is a material composed of hydrogen and carbon compounds formed beneath the ground from the remains of lifeless plants and animals that individuals extract and burn to release energy for practice. The chief fossil fuels are coal, petroleum, and natural gas, which humans abstract through mining and drilling. Fossil fuels may be burnt to offer heat for use directly say for cooking, to power engines such as for

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Limitations of Ecological Pyramids

Diagrams of an ecological pyramid are used to display the biomass or bioproductivity at each trophic level in a given ecosystem. In a pyramid of energy, the amount of energy retained in the form of new biomass at each trophic level is shown, whereas in a pyramid of biomass, the amount of biomass (or the

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Parasitic Food Chain

Introduction In ecology, the sequence of transfers of materials and energy in the form of food from one organism to the next is referred to as the food chain. Because most species feed more than one type of animal or plant, food chains intersect locally to form a food web. The primary food source is

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET

Land Management

Sustainable land management is critical for reducing land degradation, restoring degraded regions, and guaranteeing the best use of natural resources for current and upcoming populations. Land use management aids in the development of cohesive policies and activities that assist in the effective and culturally acceptable use of land resources while improving benefits and reducing adverse

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Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, Ecosystem: Structure, function, productivity, energy flow, NEET