Biodiversity and conservation: Endangered species, hotspots, extinction

biosphere reserves National parks and sanctuaries

Biosphere reserve in straightforward terms is associate habitant space comprising each terrestrial and coastal ecosystems providing a pathway for property use. The park reserves square measure completely maintained by the state governments and square measure well recognized internationally. These square measures are majorly utilised for experimentation functions onto land and water. The upkeep of the […]

biosphere reserves National parks and sanctuaries Read More »

Biodiversity and conservation: Endangered species, hotspots, extinction, Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, NEET

Biosphere Reserves

Biosphere reserves are locations designated by the government under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme to encourage sustainable development and the conservation of animals, plants, and ecosystems. The biosphere supports life on the earth and provides vital conditions for life like climate, land, water, and air. Thus, it is crucial to reserve it. For

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Biodiversity and conservation: Endangered species, hotspots, extinction, Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, NEET


What exactly is biopiracy? The exploitation of natural resources is becoming more widespread around the world. Bio-piracy is one of the most serious environmental issues that has arisen in recent years. Biological piracy is the practise of commercially exploiting natural chemicals or genes, particularly by obtaining patents that restrict their future usage, while failing to


Biodiversity and conservation: Endangered species, hotspots, extinction, Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, NEET


Class Amphibia is a subclass of the animal kingdom that includes all amphibians, which are animals that are capable of surviving both on land and in water. These are vertebrates that are typically not particularly huge in comparison to their surroundings. Amphibian is derived from the Greek phrase ‘amphibious,’ which literally means ‘living on two

Amphibia Read More »

Biodiversity and conservation: Endangered species, hotspots, extinction, Biology, Class 12, Ecology and Environment, NEET