Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins

Significance of Tissue Culture

Plant Tissue Culture is a popular approach for large-scale plant multiplication. Plant tissue culture techniques and their utility as a research tool have lately gained industrial importance in plant propagation, disease eradication, plant improvement, and secondary metabolite production. Hundreds of thousands of plants may be created in a continuous process utilizing explants, which are little pieces of […]

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Significance of Plant Breeding

Agriculture still holds the primary economic sector of many countries. This whole process of agriculture includes a technique that is plant breeding. There is immense significance of plant breeding in the process of agriculture. This article deals with the significance of plant breeding and what is the role of plant breeding in agriculture.  History of

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Significance of Fruit Formation

A significant function of fruit formation is to shield the seeds from unfavourable climatic conditions, which is the purpose of fruit formation. Both fleshy and dry fruits aid in the dispersal of seeds to far-flung areas, which is why they are so important. Sugars, protein oil, organic acids, vitamins, and minerals are just a few

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Shrubs Uses

Shrubs are plants that are classified according to their size. They are commonly used to decorate buildings, fences, and other structures. In most cases, they are thick and largely woody. Shrubs branch and develop stems and trunks, although they are always smaller than trees as they mature. Shrubs are easy to distinguish because of their

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Shoot Formation

 Root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds in orderly manner in plants. The sequence of growth is as follows-Plants complete their vegetative phase to move into the reproductive phase in which flower and fruits are formed for continuation of the life cycle of the plant. Development is the sum of two processes: growth and differentiation.

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Shoot Apex

Apex of shoot refers to the apical portion of the stem. It comprises multipotent stem cells that generate leaf primordia and give rise to all of a plant’s aerial parts, including leaves, branches, and flowers. It is apical meristem-containing and continues to grow. The stem of a plant is the aerial portion that bears leaves,

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Sequence of developmental process in a plant cell

Introduction Plant cell, the essential unit, all things considered. Plant cells, similar to creature cells, are eukaryotic, which means they have a film-bound core and organelles. Coming up next is a short study of a portion of the significant attributes of plant cells. For a more top to the bottom conversation of cells, Body Sequence

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Senescence and Abscission

Abscission and senescence are two subsequent processes that remove superfluous components from the plant body. Abscission is a form of self-pruning that minimises water and nutrient loss from plants while also protecting them from bacterial and fungal infestation. On the other hand, senescence is the result of age-related metabolic and physiological processes. Senescence Senescence has

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Self pollination

Self-pollination occurs when pollen grains fall directly from anther into the stigma of the flower. This process is quite simple and fast, which leads to a reduction in genetic diversity as the sperm and egg cells of the flower share some genetic information.  When pollen grains fall directly from the anther into the stigma of

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology

Self Pollinated Plants

Self-pollinating plants contain entire flowers (both stamen and pistil in the same bloom) and can easily transmit pollen from the stamen to the pistil even in the lightest wind. Pollinators that visit these blooms can help with pollination and increase plant output. These plants, on the other hand, do not require pollinators to produce fruit.

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Biology, Class 11, NEET, Plant growth regulators: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, Plant Physiology