Cell Structure and Function

Antigens And Immunology

The term antibody was coined by Paul Ehrlich at the end of the nineteenth century as part of his side-chain theory. Immunology refers to a molecular structure or molecule that exists outside of the pathogen as an antigen (abbreviated Ag in immunology). The presence of antigens in the body normally causes the immune response to […]

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Biology, Cell Structure and Function, Cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Class 11, NEET

Antigen And Antibody

Antigens and antibodies are two entirely different things. For the uninitiated, an antibody is a glycoprotein that is produced in response to and counteracts the effects of a specific antigen. An antigen, on the other hand, is a foreign substance (usually harmful) that triggers an immune response, resulting in the production of antibodies in the

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Biology, Cell Structure and Function, Cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Class 11, NEET

Animal Cell Structure

All Living organisms irrespective of size are made up of cells. Cells can be called the ground level workers of our body as they carry out all the functions of our body ranging from breathing to digestion of food. They are the smallest units of life and cannot be viewed by the naked eye. A

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Biology, Cell Structure and Function, Cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Class 11, NEET

Amoeboids Movements

Amoebae exhibit this form of locomotion (e.g., Amoeba proteus). Their cytoplasm is made up of plasmasol (central fluid) and a viscous plasmagel. Plasmagel is converted to plasmasol, which causes the cytoplasm to slide forward and form a pseudopodium in front of the cell, propelling it forward. Amoeboids are cells that migrate in this manner. Apart

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Biology, Cell Structure and Function, Cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Class 11, NEET

AIDS (Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome)

The human immunodeficiency virus causes this condition (HIV). Those with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome are more likely to develop certain malignancies and illnesses that are more common in people who have a weak immune system. Also known as AIDS.Certain blood tests (CD4+ counts) can also be used to diagnose AIDS in HIV-positive people who haven’t had

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Biology, Cell Structure and Function, Cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Class 11, NEET

Adaptive Immunity

Adaptive immunity responses are intended to eradicate invading pathogens and any toxic compounds they produce. Because they are destructive reactions, they must be triggered only in response to molecules that are foreign to the host, not the host’s own molecules. The adaptive immunity system’s capacity to distinguish what is alien from what is self in this way is

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Biology, Cell Structure and Function, Cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, Class 11, NEET