
Dimensional Formula of Area

Physical quantities are related to the dimensions of the measurement units used to define them. This helps us perform mathematical calculations that are easier, more precise, and quicker. In other words, Dimensional analysis is the study of dimensional formulae. It is the technique used to manipulate dimensional formulae. Dimensional formula:  In terms of dimensions, a […]

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Angular Speed

Angular speed is defined as the rate of change of angular distance (i.e., ⍵=  θ/T). Usually measured in radian per seconds. Dimensions – these are mathematical measurements for a particular quantity or measure. These give a simplified understanding of the quantity we are measuring. We use many objects in our everyday life. They all have

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Amplitude

Introduction The physical quantity’s dimensions are the powers to which the fundamental quantities are elevated to represent that amount. The physical quantity of the dimensional formula is an equation that explains how along with the base quantities contained in that amount. It is written by enclosing the symbols representing base amounts in square brackets with

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of a Light Year

One light-year is defined as the distance a light beam travels in a year. It is used to communicate galactic distances. It is almost equal to 6 trillion miles (9.7 trillion km). According to the International Astronomical Union, a light-year is a distance travelled by light in a Julian year. The light-year unit first appeared

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional analysis and its applications

The dimensional analysis provides solutions to several intriguing topics. Is one second or one metre longer? Is it possible to compare the two? Is it possible to multiply a kilogram by 12 eggs? Correct? After studying this part, you will be able to grasp how dimensional analysis solves these problems. Start now! Introduction The use

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional analysis and its application

In the field of science, dimensional analysis plays a significant role. It determines the relationship between the fundamental physical quantities. It provides a basic understanding of the nature of various objects mathematically. There are various applications of dimensional analysis as the nature of physical quantities can be inferred by their dimensions. Let us read this

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Analysis

Dimensional analysis and its applications is the study of connections between physical variables using their units and dimensions of measurement. We utilise dimensional analysis to translate a unit between several forms. We must maintain the same unit to facilitate mathematical operations in science and mathematics.  Dimensional Analysis is often referred to as the factor label

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Applications of dimensional analysis:-

Dimensional analysis analyses the correlations between physical quantities based on fundamental properties such as length, mass, time, and electric current, as well as units of measure such as miles VS kilometres or pounds VS kilogrammes. To put it another way, we study two sorts of physical quantities in Physics: basic and derived. Mass, length, amount

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Angular Velocity and its Dimensional Formula

Angular velocity is defined as the disclossion of the physical measurements in terms of length, time and mass. Simply put, angular velocity is nothing but the rate of change of angular displacement (i.e., ⍵=  θ/T).  Dimensions – These are mathematical measurements for a particular quantity or measure. These give a simplified understanding of the quantity

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Angular Velocity and its Dimensional Formula

Angular velocity is defined as the disclossion of the physical measurements in terms of length, time and mass. Simply put, angular velocity is nothing but the rate of change of angular displacement (i.e., ⍵=  θ/T).  Dimensions – These are mathematical measurements for a particular quantity or measure. These give a simplified understanding of the quantity

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions