
Electric potential and its calculation for a point charge electric dipole

A dimensional formula is a mathematical formula that represents a physical quantity in terms of fundamental quantities such as mass, length, and time. With the help of dimensional formulae, the fundamental quantities can be raised to different powers to build a new physical quantity. The powers of fundamental physical quantities are referred to as dimensions. […]

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensions of Physics quantities

What are you referring to when you say “Dimension of Physical Quantities”? A physical quantity’s dimension is the magnitude to which its fundamental units must be raised to represent it. The fundamental quantities are mass, length, time, temperature, electric current, luminous intensity, and amount of substance. These fundamental quantities can be used to express physical

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Volume

By carefully analysing dimensions and units we understand that there are a lot of between them. When we speak about the dimensional formula it means that the physical quantity is measured without considering the numerical values. In comparison, we can define a unit as a way to assign a measurement its specific dimension. So, before

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula Of Time Period

Dimensions and dimension formulas are two major powers used to denote the given quantity. The Dimensional formula of time period is an expression that represents the base quantities included in a relation. The dimensional formula of time period applies for three major applications, including checking for the correction of an equation, converting one system of

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Reynolds Number (Re)

The physical quantity which helps determine the flow pattern of the liquid categorising it into a turbulent or laminar flow while it flows through a pipe. The ratio of inertial forces to viscous results in Reynolds number. The quantity is a dimensionless quantity. The laminar flow is termed as the type of flow in which

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Relative Density

A dimensional formula is a mathematical formula that represents a physical quantity in terms of fundamental quantities such as mass, length, and time. With the help of dimensional formulae, the fundamental quantities can be raised to different powers to build a new physical quantity. The powers of fundamental physical quantities are referred to as dimensions.

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Joule

In electronics and broad scientific applications, the joule is the standard unit of energy. A joule is the amount of energy expended when a force of one newton is applied across a one-meter displacement. One joule is equal to one watt of power wasted or emitted for one second. The heat was researched and its

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Intensity

The dimensions of a physical quantity are the powers to which the basic quantities are elevated to represent that amount. The dimensional formula of any physical quantity is an equation that explains how and which of the base quantities are contained in that amount. It is written by enclosing the symbols representing base amounts in

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Impulse

An impulse is a huge force that acts in a short period with finite momentum. We see impulse in our day-to-day activities; when we break a wooden piece with an axe with so much force, it breaks immediately, right? This is a classic example of impulse. We can find impulse by using the formula, impulse

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions

Dimensional Formula of Coefficient Of Elasticity

The coefficient of elasticity or modulus of elasticity is the measurement of the elastic property of a material. When a force is applied to a material, its extent of getting distorted varies from material to material. This constant gives an idea about the degree of distortion. Elasticity is represented using δ.  Dimensional Formula The dimensional

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, Units and dimensions