
Unit of Electricity

The International System of Units (SI), also known as the French Système International d’Unités, is a decimal system of weights and measures that is derived from and extends the metric system of units. It was first used in the United Kingdom in the 18th century. The International System of Units (SI) was established by the […]

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities

Skew Symmetric Determinant

One can write a transpose of a matrix by interchanging the rows into columns or vice-versa. For a matrix where the matrices are equal to the negative of its transpose, the matrix formed is the skew-symmetric matrix. However, the determinant of such a matrix is defined as the skew-symmetric determinant. Suppose, if a matrix A

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities

SI Units

What do you understand about the S.I. unit? The S.I unit  (abbreviated S.I. from System International, the French name) is a scientific notation for the magnitudes or quantities of significant natural phenomena. The system contains seven fundamental units from which all other units are derived. The SI  unit is a measurement that begins with seven

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities


Introduction  Two types of mathematical values represent object movement in today’s world. The terms force, speed, velocity, and work are frequently used, and each of these quantities are classified as  either scalar or vector quantities. Scalar quantities, such as mass and electric charge, are physical quantities that have only magnitudes. Scalar Definition Scalar quantities are

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities


In physics, scalar (scalar Quantities) are generally physical quantities that are unchanged by changes to a vector space basis. Scalar are often associated with units of measurement.  The change of the vector space basis changes the vector definition according to the basis changes the description of a vector in terms of the basis used but

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities

Relationship Between Excess Pressure And Surface Tension

Agnes Luise Wilhelmina Pickles discovered the concept of Surface tension. She was a self-trained chemist from Germany. Initially, she worked in establishing some modern disciplines in the field of surface science, which mainly describe the physical and chemical properties of solid and liquid surfaces. She discovered this concept with the help of an experiment in

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities

Relation between Celsius and kelvin

In 1972, Anders Celsius invented the Celsius scale, which is a temperature scale. When it was first established, the numbers 100° and 0° were used to indicate the freezing and boiling points of water, respectively. The melting point of water is represented by 0° whereas the boiling point of water is represented by 100°. The Centigrade scale

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities

Pressure and density

The force operating on a unit area is measured as pressure. Density is the ratio of an entity’s mass to its volume, and it is a measure of how tightly any given thing is packed. There is a direct link between pressure and density. A change in pressure causes a change in density, and vice

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities

Planck’s Quantum Theory

Earlier, scientists considered energy and matter to be unrelated and different from one another. However, many new phenomena and discoveries took place during the 19 to 20th centuries; during that time, Plank’s theory too came into existence by Max Plank, a German physicist. The article shares about the quantum theory of radiation given by Max

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities

Physics and Measurement

Physics is one of the most critical branches of science that deals with fundamental phenomena. These include the laws of motion, laws of nuclear fission, laws of electrodynamics, and so on. In order to apply the laws and concepts of Physics, it is important to know about physical quantities and measurement, measurement history, basic measurement

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physical World and Measurement, Physics, SI units and fundamental quantities