Class 12

Effect of a Dielectric on Capacitance

You must have heard about dielectrics and capacitance. But what effect does a dielectric have on capacitance? Dielectric refers to the ability to induce charges from one another in a substance. A capacitor is constructed with a dielectric material. It has two separate plates, which are parallel. A dielectric in capacitance means an electric insulator […]

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics

Dimensional Formula of Modulus of Elasticity

Modulus of Elasticity is the basic feature that is used for the calculations of the response of the deformations when the value of stress is applied to it. The elastic constants are used to measure the deformation produced through a given stress system that is acting on a material.  Dimensional formula The base of the

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics

Dimensional Formula of Dielectric Constant

Dielectrics, as a general rule, can be portrayed as materials that are extremely helpless conveyors of electric flow. They are essentially protectors and contain no free electrons. Dielectrics can be effortlessly spellbound when an electric field is applied to them. Along these lines, their conduct in an electric field is altogether unique in relation to

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics

Dimensional Formula and Unit of Capacitance

The term capacitance was simultaneously invented by Ewald Georg von Kleist, a Prussian scientist, and van Musschenbroek, a Dutch physicist Pieter. Both scientists found that the electricity released by the electrostatic machine can be stored for a desired period and can then be released.  With the data obtained from their experiments, a device named ‘Leyden

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics

Differentiation of Determinants

The order of a differential equation is decided by means of the best-order derivative; the diploma is decided by means of the best strength on a variable. The better the order of the differential equation, the extra arbitrary constants want to be introduced to the overall answer. A first-order equation may have one, a second-order

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics

Dielectrics and Electric Polarisation

Dielectrics, as a general rule, can be portrayed as materials that are extremely helpless conveyors of electric flow. They are essentially protectors and contain no free electrons. Dielectrics can be effortlessly spellbound when an electric field is applied to them. Along these lines, their conduct in an electric field is altogether unique in relation to

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics

Dielectrics and Capacitance

Dielectrics and Capacitance Dielectrics and capacitance are two concepts with different functions and significance. They are introductory physics concepts that provide the foundation for understanding the electric charge distribution in dielectrics and their effect on capacitors. Dielectrics are materials placed between the plates of a capacitor, which allow for the storage of electrical energy. Electrical

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics

Dielectric Polarisation

Polarisation is the induction of an electric field or the rearrangement of charges inside a dielectric material or an insulator when an external electric field is applied to it. The charges are arranged so that the positive charges are attracted towards the negative electrode, and the negative charges are attracted towards the positive electrode. This

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics

Dielectric and Vacuum

Dielectric constant and vacuum permittivity are the two crucial concepts used in the field of electricity. In a circuit of capacitance, the dielectric material is vital to increase capacitance. The dielectric constant measures the ability of the dielectric material to store energy in an electric field. Vacuum permittivity tells us about the capacitance of the

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics


An insulator or a particularly poor conductor of electric current, when put in an electric field, dielectrics conduct almost minimal current because, unlike metals, they contain no loosely connected or free electrons that can drift through the substance. Instead, electric polarisation takes place. Positive charges in the dielectric are displaced minutely in the direction of

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Capacitance and capacitors, Class 12, Electrostatics, IIT JEE, Physics