Potential energy, kinetic energy, and power

Binding Energy per Nucleons

As you know, the nucleus plays a very vital role in every field of science whether it is in physics or in chemistry or in biology. Here we explore the theory of nucleus and its binding energy per nucleon. In physics, it is a very important topic and pretty much interesting too. Have you ever […]

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physics, Potential energy, kinetic energy, and power, Work, Energy, and Power

AC and DC motors

A device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy is known as an electrical motor. It operates on the idea that when a current conductor is placed in a magnetic field, the motor’s engine converts into an electrochemical system, converting electrical energy to mechanical energy. We’ll look at many sorts of motors in this post,

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Class 11, IIT JEE, Physics, Potential energy, kinetic energy, and power, Work, Energy, and Power