First law and its applications

Resource Depletion

Resource depletion is the exhaustion of raw substances within a region. Resources are often divided between renewable sources and non-renewable resources. It is the consumption of a resource quicker than it can be replenished.  We  faced speedy resource depletion degradation and shortages in the Indus river basin in Punjab.  The growing concerns over aid depletion […]

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics

Polyvinyl Chloride

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC, or vinyl) is a cost-effective, versatile plastic that is used in a wide range of products in the building and construction, health care, electronics, automobile, and other industries, including piping and siding, blood bags and tubing, wire and cable insulation, windshield system components, and more. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) PVC is a strong,

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics

Physics Born Haber Cycle

There is nothing new in the world; what has existed will live again in one way or another. People write books on this principle because it is universally applicable. However, some things have appeared in our past that have not yet been discovered and noticed by others. One of these things is the Born Haber

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics

Pascal’s Law and its Applications

According to Pascal’s Law, pressure applied to a fluid in a tightly sealed container is distributed evenly to all or any points within the fluid and acts in all directions. Pascal’s Law holds true for solids and liquids alike. Blaise Pascal, a French physicist and mathematician, proposed the law. When a fluid is at rest,

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics


During the twentieth century, humans were expanding the exploitation of the ocean’s living resources. The increase in catches was caused by a deficit in resources, and overfishing is a popular practice characterised by the inefficiency of the production system. Overfishing is generally termed as an action of exerting fishing pressure beyond the agreed optimum level.

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics

NOT Gate

The logic gate is an electronic circuit that follows a certain logical relation between the inputs and outputs. That is, it makes the logical decisions regarding the existence of outputs depending on the nature of inputs.  George Boolean (1815-1864), an English mathematician, had developed certain algebraic operations for dealing with the mathematical analysis of logic.

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics

Magma and Lava

Volcano Eruption When components within the Earth, such as boiling lava, rocks, and dust, explode from a volcano, it is known as a volcanic eruption. An explosion could emerge from the volcano’s side branches or upper section. It could be dangerous if massive amounts of rock and volcanic ash erupt. These types of explosions kill

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics

Logic gates (OR, AND, NOT, NAND and NOR)

The logic gate can be described as a device that functions as a building element to digital circuits. They carry out logical tasks, which are the foundation of digital circuits. Most electronic devices are equipped with at least one logic gate within their circuits. For instance, logic gates can be employed in technology like tablets,

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics

Introduction to NOR Gate

A logic gate is an electronic circuit with two or more inputs but one output that occurs only for a certain combination of inputs. There are three basic logic gates: OR, AND, and NOT, which are considered as the basic building blocks of any logic circuit. By combining these gates, we can develop two combination

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Class 11, First law and its applications, IIT JEE, Physics, Thermodynamics