
Thermal Stress

Stress Stress is a physical quantity described in physics and engineering as the force per unit area experienced by a material internally as it attempts to recover its shape when an external force is applied. Though people were aware of stress in materials, the concept of stress and its measurement were mostly empirical until the […]

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Class 12, Communication systems and modulation, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Physics

Mach Number

We all understand that flying is significantly faster than other kinds of transportation. Have you ever questioned how quickly a plane can travel? But what if planes fly at a considerably faster speed than sound? The planes are subjected to a shock wave that damages the plane’s blade. In order to investigate these issues, the

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Class 12, Communication systems and modulation, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Physics

Derivation of Bending Equation

Bending is defined as the distortion of a structure in one of the longitudinal planes owing to a force in applied mechanics. This force is also supposed to be exerted in the direction of one of the structure’s longitudinal planes. We shall derive the bending equation for a beam here. When two of a structure’s

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Class 12, Communication systems and modulation, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Physics

Transistors as Amplifiers (Common Emitter Configuration)

In 1947, J. Bardeen and W.H. Brattain were the first to invent something the world called a transistor. This type of transistor was purely point-contact.  In 1951, scientist William Shockley invented the bipolar junction transistor. The transistor which represented the junction transistor had the presence of p-n junctions in them. However, it was not the

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Logic gates and transistors, Modern Physics, Physics

technology and society

This article deals with the correlation of science, technology and society since they are interconnected. Science, technology and society give rise to one another in various ways. Some concepts of physics are used to develop technology, and hence, affect society. A country’s growth, both in the field of technology and in the education about physics,

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Physics, Semiconductors and diodes

Applications of a galvanometer

The galvanometer is one of the most important discoveries in science and technology. It was discovered in the 19th century when scientists observed deflection in the direction of a needle in the presence of an electromagnet, indicating the flow of electric current.  Over the years, the galvanometer has been improvised and repurposed to serve many

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Physics, Semiconductors and diodes

Law of Radioactive Decay

Introduction  Initially coined in the year 1896, the phenomenon of radioactivity is exhibited by the atom’s nucleus as a result of nuclear instability. In simple terms, radioactivity can be described as a process through which the unstable atom’s nucleus tends to lose its energy after emitting radiation. A small quantity of Uranium compound was packed

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Physics, Radioactivity

Alpha, Beta and Gamma

This e-monograph introduces an undergraduate to the Alpha-, Beta-, and Gamma-Decays. Beginning with a discussion of alpha-decay features, the kinematics of alpha-decay, alpha particle energy, alpha particle range, Geiger-Nuttall Law, and Gamow theory of alpha decay are reviewed. The kinds of beta decay, beta decay spectrum, neutrino theory, and beta decay kinematics (Q-value) are all

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Physics, Radioactivity

Radioactivity Alpha Decay

Alpha decay, also known as α -decay, is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus produces an alpha particle (helium nucleus) and therefore converts or ‘decays’ into a new atomic nucleus with decrease in mass number of four and an atomic number of two. The nucleus of a helium-4 atom, which consists

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Nuclear fission and fusion, Physics

Nuclear Fission

Atoms are split apart in nuclear fission, releasing energy. Nuclear fission is used in all nuclear power reactors, where uranium atoms are used. A neutron collides with a uranium atom and divides it during nuclear fission, releasing a tremendous quantity of energy in the form of heat and radiation. There are two types of fission

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Modern Physics, Nuclear fission and fusion, Physics