Lines and planes in space

Circumcenter of a Triangle

The Circumcenter is the place where the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle intersect. It is found on the inside of an acute triangle, on the outside of an obtuse triangle, and at the centre of the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The line or ray that splits another line segment into two equal halves at […]

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry

Circumference of a Circle

The Latin prefix circum- means “around or round around,” and is used to produce the term circumference. As a result, every term produced with this prefix relates to either anything literally round—such as a circus ring—or something metaphorically round, such as an activity or the conditions surrounding someone or something—such as their circumstances. A chord

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry


A form is circumscribed if it can only fit within another shape. The inside figure cannot travel through the outer figure since there is no bypass. When we draw a figure that surrounds another figure in such a way that the outer figure touches all of the interior figure’s vertices but does not cross it.

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry

Co-ordinate Geometry

Introduction The co-ordinate geometry study material consists of all the important points, definitions of axes, quadrants, sign notations, etc., that are required to measure and locate a particular object. It represents multiple views of an object based on the axes and quadrants selected. In this way, a proper two-dimensional representation of an object is created

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry

Coincident Lines

Lines were invented by ancient mathematicians to represent straight things with minimal width and depth. Euclid defined lines as a length less than a breadth. Lines are the foundation of Euclidean geometry. An angle is formed when two rays (parts of a straight line) intersect in the same plane. The shapes we see all around

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry

Collinear Points

Mathematicians are highly precise with their words. Collinear points are points that are all in the same line in Euclidean geometry, whether they are close together, far away, or form a ray, line segment, or line. Collinear comes from the Latin terms ‘col’ and ‘linear,’ where ‘col’ means together and ‘linear’ means in the same

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry

Concave Polygon

A concave polygon is one that has one or more interior angles larger than 180 0. It appears that a vertex has been ‘pushed in’ towards the polygon’s interior. It’s worth noting that a triangle (3-gon) can’t be concave. The opposite of a convex polygon is a concave polygon. A concave polygon is one with

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry

Concept of Plane in 3 Dimensional Geometry

Typically, a plane is a two-dimensional flat surface with a capacity to be extended infinitely. It is a surface on which two points are joined to make a line segment, then the line segment completely lies on the surface itself. In the space that is 3-dimensional, a plane forms an equation- ax+by+cz+d=0  One must be

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry

Concurrency of Lines

Introduction: The term “concurrency of lines” refers to lines in a plane that intersect at the same place. Whenever two lines that are not parallel come together, they form a point of intersection. When a third line crosses the intersection point formed by the first two lines, the intersection is said to be a concurrent

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Lines and planes in space, Maths, Three-Dimensional Geometry