Probability and Statistics

Single HM of n Positive Numbers

Harmonic Mean is one of the measures of average calculation. For two numbers, we can derive the Harmonic Mean of the given numbers and we can also calculate the Harmonic Mean between those given numbers. Calculating a single Harmonic Mean of ‘n’ positive numbers is similar to the Harmonic Mean of two or more numbers. […]

Single HM of n Positive Numbers Read More »

Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics

Sampling Methods

We all know that statistical research can be used to reach a variety of findings dependent on the needs of the specialists who do the research. This makes use of the information gathered for a specified purpose. In statistics, we can collect information by employing a variety of sampling approaches. The type of sampling strategy

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics

Relative frequency

The frequency with which an event occurs is defined as the number of times it occurs. The concept of relative frequency is one that is experimental rather than theoretical. Because it is an experimental method, it is possible to achieve different relative frequencies if we perform the trials several times. In order to compute the

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics

Relationship between Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Mean

The observations based upon any test which happened, can be any experiment for reading the changes in value, and can be noted to vary between a range. The value for each experiment may not be identical. These values may be noted to be within a range of numbers. Thus, the range may not be useful

Relationship between Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Mean Read More »

Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics

Real-Life Applications of Intermediate Value Theorem

The Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT), for example, is a mathematical concept. In mathematical form, the IVT can be expressed in the following way: If arithmetic isn’t your strong suit, you might find that term a little difficult to comprehend at first. Consider trying to apply the IVT to real-world situations; you may discover that this

Real-Life Applications of Intermediate Value Theorem Read More »

Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics

Ratio to Percentage

The ratio to percent conversion is highly important in math when comparing parts to the whole. Any two elements of a whole are compared using a ratio. In a solution, for example, the sugar-to-salt ratio is 3:1. It informs us that the concentration of sugar in the solution is three times that of salt. Percentages

Ratio to Percentage Read More »

Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics


The range of a collection of numbers is the difference between the highest & lowest values. Subtract the lowest from the highest number in the distribution to discover it. A set of output values produced by a function is referred to as a function’s range. It is the difference between the highest and lowest values

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Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics

Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Research is defined as the generation of new concepts, methodologies, and understandings through the development of new knowledge and/or the creative application of existing knowledge. This could include synthesizing and analyzing past research to the point where it produces fresh and innovative results. The two most common forms of research methodologies are qualitative and quantitative

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Read More »

Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics

Proper fractions

When the following conditions are met, fractions are referred to as Proper Fractions: Numerator Denominator is a mathematical expression. The numerator is greater than the denominator. (Or) The denominator is greater than the numerator. Continue reading to learn the definitions of a fraction, denominator, and numerator, and to see an example of each. This will

Proper fractions Read More »

Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics

Probability distribution of a random variate

Introduction One day you had the idea to keep track of the number of cars that pass by your house. It is unknown which colour vehicle will be the first to pass. This activity or experiment was selected entirely at random. We are not concerned with the kind of automobiles passing by, but with the

Probability distribution of a random variate Read More »

Class 12, IIT JEE, Maths, Measures of central tendency, Probability and Statistics