Class 11

Properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma- Rays

An atom emits alpha, beta and gamma particles during radioactivity as unstable atoms try to reach a stable state. As a result, the atom decomposes by emitting a particle. This decaying process continues until the nucleus achieves stability. Mainly three types of radiation are emitted. These include alpha, beta and gamma rays. The atom’s nucleus […]

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Postulates of Dalton’s Atomic Theory

There are various postulates that we study in chemistry. A postulate is also called an axiom. These are those statements that are accepted by the world without any proof needed. These are the basic structures that are used to derive the theorems that are used now. When we develop any theory, any number of postulates

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Polarity in Molecules

A polar molecule has one end that is slightly positive and the other that is slightly negative. Polarity in the molecule is a diatomic molecule with a polar covalent bond. Poles are the electrically charged locations on one side of the molecule, similar to the north and south poles of a magnet. A dipole is

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Physical Quantities and their Measurements in Chemistry

A physical quantity is the property of a material or the system that can  be quantified by measurement. It can be presented as a value, which is the multiplication of a numerical value and a unit. It possesses at least two properties.  A numerical or number magnitude. The unit in which it is calculated.  Some of the physical quantities must be more fundamental than

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Physical Quantities and their Measurements

The term unit refers to the amount or magnitude of any physical portion that is measurable. Different units are accustomed to indicating other measurements of particular types of quantities. Many physical quantities are measured to experiment, and many material amounts form the basis of mathematical equations. To measure material such amounts, appropriate and unique units

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Orbit and Orbitals

In chemistry, an orbit is a specified path with a regular form, along which electrons rotate around their axis. This electron revolution is also caused by the attraction of electrons towards the nucleus, which is discussed in more detail below. According to Bohr’s concept, the initial shell of an atom should include just two atoms

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Newton’s Second Law

In 1687, Sir Issac Newton presented his work on the laws of motion in his book (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), in which he detailed how objects of various masses move when a force is applied. The first law of motion is related to Newton’s second law of motion. It provides a numerical definition of

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Naming System

A naming system is a collection of rules developed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) to issue systematic names to molecules or chemical compounds. Generally, atoms lower their energy when they combine with molecules. The atoms then change their behavioural pattern as per the situation. Their functioning does not limit to valence shells.

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Molecular Orbital

The formation of molecular orbital is explained by wave mechanics. The Schrodinger wave equation and the linear combination of atomic orbitals provide the solution for the calculation of bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals. This molecular orbital study material explains the formation of the bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals and the necessary conditions required for their

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Molecular Mass

The sum of the average masses of the atoms in one molecule of a material is the molecular mass. It’s computed by multiplying the atomic masses of the substance’s constituent components by their subscript (written or implied) in the molecular formula. Because atomic mass units are atomic mass units, molecular mass units are likewise atomic

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Atomic and molecular masses, Chemistry, Class 11, IIT JEE, Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry