Pollen Pistil Interaction: Steps

The process of pollen pistil interaction refers to the transfer of pollen grains from one plant to another plant’s pistil/stigma. This can be self- or cross-pollinating. The pistil is the reproductive female part of flowering plants, and pollen grains the male reproductive part. The first step in pollen pistil interaction is pollination. Next comes the pollen adhesion and stigma. If the question is to describe pollen pistil interaction, we hope you can answer it. We’ll now move on to the next section. It is about outbreeding in plants.

Pollen Pistils Steps

Pollination doesn’t always mean fertilisation. The pistil must recognise the pollen grains of the same species in order for pollination to take place. The interaction of pollen and pistil are complex. We need to fully understand how pollen pistil interactions work and what results in successful fertilisation. Below are the steps involved in pollen pistil interaction.

  • The pollen grains are produced by the male plants
  • The pollen grain is placed on the pistil of a female plant
  • The pistil will accept pollen that is compatible with its own, while rejecting incompatible pollen will be rejected
  • The pollen grains are accepted by the female plants and form pollen tubes
  • The style of the pollen tubes is to head towards the ovary.
  • The male gamete enters an ovary as soon as the pollen tube reaches it.

This complete interaction is necessary for fertilisation success.