Plastic Deformation

This sort of deformation is not undone merely by withdrawing the applied force. An object in the plastic deformation range, however, will first have undergone elastic deformation, which is undone simply by withdrawing the applied force, so the object will return part way to its original shape. Soft thermoplastics have a relatively extensive plastic deformation range as do ductile metals such as copper, silver, and gold. Steel does, too, but not cast iron. Hard thermosetting polymers, rubber, crystals, and ceramics have low plastic deformation ranges. An example of a material having a broad plastic deformation range is moist chewing gum, which may be stretched to dozens of times its initial length.

Under tensile stress, plastic deformation is characterized by a strain hardening zone and a necking region and lastly, fracture (also termed rupture) (also called rupture). During strain hardening the material becomes stronger through the migration of atomic dislocations. The necking phase is characterized by a reduction in cross-sectional area of the specimen. Necking begins once the peak strength is obtained. During necking, the material can no longer tolerate the maximum tension and the strain in the specimen rapidly increases. Plastic deformation finishes with the fracture of the substance.

Plastic deformation: An overview

According to physics and materials science principles, plasticity, also known as plastic deformation, is the ability of a solid material to undergo permanent deformation, which is a non-reversible change of shape as a result of the application of external pressures. Example: A solid piece of metal that is bent or pounded into a new shape exhibits plasticity because permanent changes take place inside the material itself as a result of the process. Known as yielding in the engineering world, the transition from elastic to plastic behavior occurs when an object is compressed.

In the case of many ductile metals, the application of tensile loading to a sample will induce it to behave in an elastic manner. Each increase in load is accompanied by an increase in extension that is proportional to the increase in load. When the load is removed, the item reverts to its previous size and configuration. Nevertheless, once the load surpasses a certain threshold – the yield strength – the extension develops more rapidly than in the elastic zone; as a result, even after the load has been removed, a certain amount of extension will still be there.

But because it is only an approximation, elastic deformation is only as good as the time period and loading speed that are taken into consideration. 

Material’s ability to undergo irreversible deformation without experiencing an increase in stresses or loads is referred to as perfect plasticity. Plastic materials that have been toughened through past deformation, such as cold forming, may require increasing amounts of stress in order to distort even further. In general, plastic deformation is also reliant on the rate of deformation, which means that larger stresses must be applied in order to accelerate the rate of distortion. Materials that deform visco-plastically are referred to as visco-plastic materials.

The elastic deformation zone of most metallic materials is quite limited in comparison to other materials. After a certain point, the strain is no longer proportional to the applied stress and the relationship is broken. After that, bonds with original atom neighbors begin to dissolve and reform with a new group of electrons in the vicinity of the original pair of electrons. Upon occurrence of this condition and subsequent release of tension, the material will no longer be able to return to its previous shape, i.e., the deformation is permanent and irreversible. The material has now entered the domain of the material’s behavior known as plastic deformation. The precise point at which a material transitions from the elastic to the plastic zone might be difficult to determine in reality. An offset of 0.002 strain is used to construct a parallel line, as seen in the illustration below. The point at which that line intersects the stress-strain curve is referred to as the yield strength of the material. It is the stress at which appreciable plastic deformation has occurred that determines the yield strength of the material.


The term “deformation” refers to the alteration of an object’s size or shape. In physics, displacements are defined as the absolute change in position of a point on a surface. Deflection is the change in the relative displacements of an object’s external displacements. In the case of an infinitesimally small cube of material, strain is the relative internal change in form of the cube, which can be described as a non-dimensional change in the length or angle of distortion of the cube. A stress-strain curve describes the relationship between strains and the forces operating on the cube, which are known as stress. From the yield point onward, the relationship between stress and strain is often linear and reversible; the deformation is elastic after the yield point. Young’s modulus is a term used to describe the linear relationship between two materials. Plastic deformation is the term used to describe the degree of permanent distortion that persists after a load is removed above the yield point. The determination of stress and strain throughout a solid item is provided by the yield strength of materials, and the determination of stress and strain throughout a structure is provided by structural analysis.

In materials, plastic deformation is a permanent distortion that happens when a material is subjected to stresses that exceed its yield strength (such as tensile, compressive, bending, or twisting stresses), causing the material to elongate, compress, buckle, bend, or twist.