Plant Morphology

Plant morphology is defined as the study which discusses the structure of the various different plants. This study is developing a brief idea about the plant morphology and scope of the study. The plant morphology is also described as the plant anatomy as this is discussed about the structure of the plant. This process is very much effective in the visual identification of the trees or plants. The internal structure of the plant is analysed by the microscopic analysis of the plants. These morphological approaches are also applicable in the parts of the plants like flowers, leaves and fruits. This process also helps in the classification process of the plants. 

Main body 

Meaning and definition of Plant Morphology

The meaning of a study which is also called the “plant anatomy” is to help to identify the internal and external structure of the plant. The definition of plant morphology is, “represents a study of the development, form, and structure of plants, and, by implication, an attempt to interpret these on the basis of similarity of plan and origin“. The process is described as a study that helps to describe and identify various parts of the plants of various or the same species. This study is developed by using different types of identification processes with the help of a microscope and some identification is completed in the naked eye by the visual identification process. 

This morphology of plants is helpful in the classification and in the identification process also. The important groups of plant morphology are “protophytes, halophytes’ and Kormophytes” those help in the identification and classification process of the plant. This study is to help to identify the internal suture of the plant and this is done by using cellular or microscopic action processes. This help in the classification process and help in the identification process and development of this area help in the future to identify the plants. 

Scope of plant morphology

There are various scopes in the plant morphological area which help other areas of the botany to complete the analysis and study. Every part of biological science which is connected with plants is also connected with plant morphology. 

The first scope of the plant morphology is a comparative study, which makes differences between different species and plants and their various structures. The results of different species are the same then those species are called “Homologous”. This finding is possible by the genetic finding process and those similarities are found in the leaves, roots or internal structure. This is helped in the “palaeobotany” and “evolution of plants” by using plant morphological studies. The second scope is that Plant morphology observes both the “reproductive” and “vegetative” structure of the plants. This study is to help in the study of “plant systematics” and “biodiversity” as this is to help defiant structure often various plants and their seeds and leaves. 

The third scope of the plant morphology is “range of scale” as this study is developing by using the smallest scale which is called “ultrastructure”. This is also called “electron microscope” and the study is completed by using this. Sometimes there is optical microscopy and cytology is also used. This study helps to understand the growth habit of the plants and also helps to identify the tree, herbs, grass. The last spoke of the plant morphology is the observation of the development process of the plants. This study is to help in the “ecology” and “plant physiology” study. 

Importance of Plant Morphology

There is some importance of plant morphology which helps the other level of botany to develop. This helps to identify the internal and external structure of the various plants which helps botany to improve their study. 

  • This is comparative so it is a help to identify various structures of the plants of different species
  • The plant morphology is such a study that discusses the somatic and reproductive structure of the plants which helps to develop the research in such an area. 
  • The study is using a smaller scale to identify the smallest internal structure of the plants. This is possible with the help of the Microprobe and this helps in the classification process. 
  • The plant morphology is helped in the identification and classification process by identifying the external and internal structure of the plants. 
  • Improved research is the plant morphology that also helps to improve research in the taxonomy and genetics fields. 


It is concluded that this study is developed on plant morphology and the importance and scope of plant morphology in botany. This is such a process that identifies the internal and external structure of the plants and for this reason, this process is also known as the plant’s anatomy. That study is also developing a clear idea of the importance of plant morphology in botany and biological science. This also helps in the identification of the plants and helps to differentiate the plants from each other. This is such a process that helps in the development of the different areas of biological science. Therefore it is concluded, plant morphology is the anatomy of the plants which develop the various scope for botany.