Missing Number

Missing numbers are one type of problem-related to number series in reasoning. In this problem, sequences of numbers with particular rules are arranged, and one sequence remains missing. A person has to find out that a missing number is not given in the number series. This is a very common problem in number series and helps build knowledge about numbers and reasoning. There are different types of problems related to number series, and based on the problems, the permutation and combination are done. In terms of solving the problems of missing numbers, a person needs to be very attentive and cautious at calculation. 

Otherwise, the entire calculation will be interrupted, and the missing number sequence or the particular missing number will not be found. 

Concept of Missing Number

Number series is one of the renowned problems in general intelligence and reasoning studies. This is because the numbers are given in a particular form which refers to a rule that a person has to find and solve. For example, if a number series is given in this way – 2,4,6,8, – and then asked to find the missing number, that means a person has to calculate on what basis the numbers are arranged. 

In the given example, the numbers are arranged in the gap of two numbers like four is given after number 2, so the gap between 2 and 4 is 2. Now, a person has to match whether all the numbers are given in the same gaps; if yes, the missing number can be found after calculating the gaps. This is the Concept of missing numbers that help determine the logic of the number series. 

Ways to find the missing numbers in the number series

In three different ways, missing numbers can be found in the number series mentioned below. 

  • Firstly, Identify the given number series type.
  • Calculating the differences between each number is very important
  • Estimating the gaps between the numbers and calculating “the missing number”. 

Questions and answers of the “missing number series” are quite interesting and fun to resolve as the numbers are given in an unorganised way and a person has to organise them. Sometimes, the numbers are interchanged, and then questions are asked to “find the missing number” from the given number series. It is quite interesting to resolve these kinds of questions and answers that increase the power of the mind by enhancing calculative thinking skills. 

Importance of “Missing Number Series” 

“Missing Number Series” is generally used in competitive exams in India and is considered one of the most popular and important topics of reasoning. There are some basic tricks and concepts that can help a person solve the questions and answers of “Missing Numbers”. Different types of number series provide different types of questions, and the basic problem of all the questions is to “find out the missing number”. For example, the numbers are given differently in the Geometric series or “perfect cube series”. The example is given below. 

Question: 5, 45, 405, 3645 =?

This is the question, and a person has to find out “the missing number”. In order to find out the missing number, the person needs to calculate the difference between all the numbers, and then they will be able to answer the question. After this example of number series, it is clear that the importance of these problems is huge as they increase the calculator power and enable the mind’s “cumulative thinking capacity”. 

Different Types of Number Series 

There are eight different types of number series in the reasoning that describe different kinds of questions and answers asking to identify the missing numbers. The types of number series are provided below. 

  •  Perfect Square Series
  • Geometric Series
  • Perfect Cube Series
  • Mixed Series
  • Two-Stage Type Series
  • Missing Number Series
  • Wrong Number Series
  • Order and Ranking

These are some types of number series where the numbers are arranged in different ways and a person, who is attempting these questions, needs to find out “the missing number” from the given number sequences [see appendix A]. 


The Concept of number series is quite interesting and helps a person to increase their intelligence level as it needs a lot of mid-work to find out the appropriate number that is missing. Different questions have different requirements, and a person needs to understand all the requirements before solving the problem. If the person is not hands-on with these kinds of “problem solving skills”, this can be time-consuming for that person. So, it is important to practise these skills daily to increase the grip in reasoning.