Mars orbiter spots water in Mars Canyon System

Water was found on Mars a few years ago, but this discovery is unique in two main ways. First, the volume of water detected is more akin to that of an oasis than a puddle (though there is still much debate about this). Second, the ice has been uncovered in the planet’s most arid region: the canyon systems of the Valles Marineris, previously thought devoid of any surface water. Mars Orbiter Spots Water in Mars’ Canyon System NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has spied what appear to be canyons on Mars that are steep-sided enough to have once held pockets of liquid water — a finding that suggests the Red Planet once may have been habitable, NASA officials announced Thursday.

Earth’s Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is a river valley withinside the Colorado Plateau that exposes uplifted Proterozoic and Paleozoic strata and is likewise one of the six wonderful physiographic sections of the Colorado Plateau province. Even though it isn’t the innermost canyon withinside the world (Kali Gandaki Gorge in Nepal is tons deeper), the Earth’s Grand Canyon is understood for its visually overwhelming length and its intricate and colourful landscape. Geologically, it’s miles great due to the thick collection of historical rocks which can be well preserved and exposed withinside the walls of the canyon. 

What caused Earth’s Grand Canyon?

This natural landmark formed approximately 5 to 6 million years ago as erosion from the Colorado River reduced a deep channel via layers of rock. The Grand Canyon includes a number of the oldest uncovered rocks on Earth. The mile-excessive walls display a cross-section of Earth’s crust going back almost a billion years. “Only” a mile deep, the Grand Canyon isn’t the deepest withinside the world. For example, Washington’s Columbia River Gorge measures over a mile and a 1/2 in-depth. Though not private, the Grand Canyon stays a really fantastic natural landform.

  • The water, that is hidden below Mars’ surface, was found via means of the Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO)’s FREND instrument, which is mapping the hydrogen – a degree of water content – withinside the uppermost metre of Mars’ soil
  • While water is thought to exist on Mars, maximum is found in the planet’s cold polar areas as ice. Water ice isn’t found uncovered on the surface close to the equator, as temperatures right here aren’t cold enough for uncovered water ice to be stable
  • Missions inclusive of ESA’s Mars Express have searched for near-surface water – as ice protecting dirt grains in the soil, or locked up in minerals – at decreased latitudes of Mars, and found small amounts. However, such studies have handiest explored the very surface of the planet; deeper water stores should exist, protected through the dirt
  • Under the dusty layer the appearance gets down with TGO to 1 mtr  & see what’s simply take place under the surface of Mars and, crucially, locate water-rich ‘oases’ that could not be detected with preceding instruments,” says Igor Mitrofanov of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia; lead creator of the new study
  • A huge amount of hydrogen place is discovered by “FREND (Fine Resolution Epithermal Neutron Detector)  in the large Valles Marineris canyon system: assuming the hydrogen we see is sure into water molecules, as a lot as 40% of the near-surface material in this vicinity seems to be water”
  • The water-rich location is about the size of the Netherlands and overlaps with the deep valleys of Candor Chaos, a part of the canyon system taken into consideration promising in our hunt for water on Mars

The largest canyon in the solar system

The Mars Orbiter found a big canyon system this is the biggest in the Solar System. They had been capable of peering into the canyon system and noticed minerals that shape only when water hits them. This discovery may want to offer clues to whether life ever existed on Mars. Scientists have long known that the Red Planet is dry and dusty. Many do not assume it is feasible for liquid water to even exist on Mars. But, in a new study, scientists have discovered water-ice is more similar to a canyon system than ever before – with implications for the possibility of existence on Mars. The Dragonfly spacecraft noticed water within the Martian atmosphere. The studies conclude that the canyon system is the largest in the Solar System.


The Mars Orbiter has made another discovery: liquid water may be flowing on the surface of Mars. According to the Indian Space Research Organisation, there is a large canyon system in one of Mars’ ice caps where the excess water appears to be flowing down the face of the cliff. It’s possible that this could create an enormous waterfall inside of a glacier, which would tell scientists more about how Mars adjusts to climate change. Furthermore, it could possibly even create a lake inside of this glacier. The Mars Orbiter has confirmed that the surface of Mars is composed mainly of basalt and very little dust. In addition, it has shown that there is water just below the surface and also ice in some of the valleys. This is important because it helps confirm that Mars may have once been covered in liquid water as well as ice.