Impact of Liberalisation and Privatisation

Liberalisation refers to removing the boundaries from private sectors which become an obstacle for the development and the growth of a nation. The conversion of a public body into a private body is called the privatisation of that body.

The impact of liberalisation and privatisation has been both positive and negative on the growth of nations. The positive impact of liberalisation and privatisation results in the development of business in the nation. This results in increase in foreign investment, better functional operation of companies, and higher gross development of products.


Liberalisation removes boundaries from the private sectors, removing obstacles for the development and the growth of the nation. The freedom of enterprise is the major focus point of liberalisation. Liberalisation aims to free enterprises from higher or central regulation in order to grow.

Impact of liberalisation

Liberalisation has several effects on the economy and the society of a nation. The impact of liberalisation is as follows.

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Positive Impact of Liberalisation

  1. Liberalisation, in a positive and effective manner, results in higher foreign investment in the nation. The investments are in different sectors such as manufacturing, industrial, and infrastructural.
  2. With liberalisation, the investment amount in several sectors is increased. This increment lowers the risk of recession in these industries. 
  3. Basic infrastructure is the most important factor in a company for it to work. As the investment increases, this basic facility also develops, and several industries start to grow. This results in high demand for employment and reduces the problem of unemployment.
  4. Liberalisation lubricates the manufacturing of a nation. The smooth functioning of different sectors gives better GDP (gross domestic product) as an end product.
  5. The growth in the gross domestic product increases the export of the product and reduces the import of the goods. This reduces the dependency of the nation over the other nation(s).
  6. The infrastructure of the nation is developed rapidly with the growth of the industries. New highways, lines of electricity, and communication are installed. 

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Negative Impact of Liberalisation

  1. Liberalisation managed to develop some regions rapidly while it lacked behind in the other regions. This gap of development divided the nation into two different regions.
  2. Heavy investment in developed industries hampered the small scale industries drastically. The small industries could not match the quality and price of the mass production of big companies after liberalisation.
  3. Liberalisation of industries boosts the inflation rate. One section of the nation becomes richer while the other section struggles even more to survive.


Privatisation is the increase in the power of private bodies and the decrease in the power of public bodies. The conversion of a public body into a private body is called the privatisation of that body. In the process of privatisation, businesses are shifted from the central or state to the private sector. 

Impact of Privatisation

Privatisation has several effects on the economy and the society of the nation. The impact of privatisation is as follows.

Positive Impact of Privatisation

  1. The state or central-based public sectors are not able to perform better under the government, which has several departments under it to handle. Privatisation results in better functioning of such a sector as it is then handled by one private body.
  2. The private sector always thinks of the customer first. For this, the financial health of the sector is improved. 
  3. As the private sector targets profit for the companies. This result in new innovation for more public comfort for less price. 
  4. Privatisation helps to improve the performance of the public sector by accelerating the transmission of the operations.
  5. The privatisation of the public sector reduces the load of the government, which is utilised to perform other functions in order to grow the nation.
  6. Privatisation reduces the corruption level at different sectors of public related services.

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Negative Impact of Privatisation

  1. After the privatisation of the public sector, private firms may focus on revenue generation. This way, they would not initiate any schemes for the public in case of emergency or recession.
  2. Everything will be under the control of the private body after the privatisation of the public sector. This will lead to a lack of transparency.
  3. Direct corruption may reduce by the privatisation of the firm, but indirect corruption may increase by supporting the members in a non-judicial way.

Impact of Liberalisation and Privatisation

The impact of liberalisation and privatisation has been both positive and negative on the growth of the nation. Positive impact of liberalisation and privatisation results in the development of the business of the nation. This positive impact results in increasing the foreign investment, better functional operation of companies, and higher gross development of products.

Negative impact of liberalisation and privatisation results in the division of the area and people in higher and lower sectors. The negative impact hampers the small industries of the nation. The government provides some autonomy to the public sector industries to let them grow. 


Liberalisation means to remove boundaries from private sectors, while privatisation is the increase in the power of private bodies and decrease in the power of public bodies. Liberalisation and privatisation influence the growth of the nation positively as well as negatively.