
It is a type of inflorescence called hypanthodium. The receptacle, which is made of flesh, makes a hollow space and has an opening called an ostiole, which is where the flowers come out.

It’s best to think of a hypanthodium inflorescence as something made of fleshy material that leads to the formation of a hollow space with an apical opening called the ostiole. The flowers grow toward the inside of the hollow cavity

Cymose Flowering Plants

Because of this, when the flower axis grows to its top, it’s called “cymose,” or “cymose inflorescence.” A determinate or definite inflorescence is another name for this type of inflorescence. In this picture, the flowers at the top are older than those on the bottom. This is called a basipetal arrangement. During the early stages of this type of inflorescence, the rachis ends with the first flower bud. The next buds grow toward the lower side of the axis.

Each of the four types of cymose inflorescences can be one of the following:

  • The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis of the Malvaceae is an example
  • Hamelia patens is an example of a monochasial cyme
  • Nyctanthus arbor-tristis of the Oleaceae is an example of what we’re talking about: asial cyme, biparous cyme, or a cyme
  • Calotropis procera of the Asclepiadaceae is an example of a plant that has a lot of different kinds of flowers

Other than these, there are some very unique types of cymose inflorescence:

  • Verticillaster is a plant in the Lamiaceae family, like Leonurus sibiricus
  • Poinsettia pulcherrima is an example of cythium
  • In this case, Hypanthodium (like Ficus cunia and banyan) is a type of plant

An example of a Coenanthium is the pick-aback plant, which is in the Moraceae family.

An inflorescence of Hypanthodium In what way does Hypanthodium work?

Syconium: This type of inflorescence makes the receptacle look like a hollow-sphere with a cavity inside. The rachis of three cymes that are near each other fuse together to make the receptacle. It looks like a closed, fleshy vessel with a small opening at the top. It opens to the outside through this opening.

There are a lot of small, non-moving flowers that grow on the inside of the receptacle. During the cymose groups, three types of single-sex flowers can be seen arranged on the inside surface of the receptacle. All three types of flowers are found in the same place.

Flowers from Hypanthodium

Those are flask-shaped, fleshy containers. They have narrow canals with a pore at one end. Scales can be found around the pore, and the canal is lined with hair that points down. When you look inside, male flowers are near the pore. Female flowers are near the base.

Gall and neutral flowers can be found in between the two groups. There is an inflorescence made up of these three types of axes that have flowers on them.

An example of a Hypanthodium Inflorescence is shown.

Hypanthodium is a type of cymose inflorescence that is very unique. Hypanthodium is found in the genus Ficus of the family Moraceae, such as Banyan, Peepal, and Fig (Ficus carica).


Another type of inflorescence is cyathium, and it’s very unique. In this inflorescence, the brackets join together to make a cup-shaped structure. A few secretory glands are formed on the outside of the cup, near the edge or the rim. Women’s flowers are in this cup, and there are a lot of male flowers around them. The male flowers have brackets around them.

This unique cymose inflorescence looks like a single flower. The axis is pushed down, forming a convex receptacle. At the center of the receptacle, there is a long-stemmed, naked female flower with a tricarpellary gynoecium. This is surrounded by a lot of male flowers in the shape of a cyme.

The male flowers have a single stamen attached to a short stalk, which is called the pedicel. Each one grows in the axil of the hairy bracteole. There is a green involucre that covers the whole inflorescence. It is made by putting together bracts and making them into a cup shape. This is how the involucre looks like. They have nectar glands on their outside walls, or they don’t have any glands at all. Flowers grow from the inside to the outside, in a centrifugal way.Poinsettia pulcherrima and some other plants in the Euphorbiaceae family have this type of cyathium flower.


Hypanthodium is a form of inflorescence that is unique. The peduncle thickens and flattens, forming a hollow cup with a small aperture at the top. Male & female flowers are found on the inner walls of cups and receptacles, with male flowers at the base. For instance, most flowers are sessile. Rubber.

Hypanthodium is a particularly special form of cymose inflorescence. Hypanthodium is a genus of plants in the Moraceae family that includes Peepal and Banyan.