General Physics


The laws of physics are inescapable in our daily lives. Even though it is often the bane of many students’ school lives, it is what for everything that happens to us, in our lives, around us, or even to us, such as the colour of a sunset, the pitch of an ambulance siren passing by, or the spanking you get when you trip and fall. As a result, a basic understanding of the fundamental laws of general physics is essential, and that is what we will be discussing here. So, let’s dive in:

The laws of motion and classical mechanics:

Let’s begin with the popular concepts of general physics, and we will understand those in detail:  

The second law of motion by Isaac Newton:

The amount of force (F) exerted by a body on another is proportional to the mass (m) and the body’s acceleration (a)—for example, F=ma.

Law of Gravity, Newton’s third law: by exerting force on the first. 

  • In any situation where one thing exerts a force on another, the other object responds. 
  • The force your face exerts on a signpost is equal but opposite to the force your face receives if you walk into it.
  • Newton’s law of motion has a direct impact on our daily lives! For example, gravity causes a ball to roll down the hill; collisions cause damage because the mass and acceleration of the two bodies meeting cause a force to be generated, and signposts hurt because they cause your face to be hit with a force that is not designed for metal high fives.
  • It is also important to note that, as the mass of a certain object increases, so does the force it exerts when it collides with another object.


  • Protons and electrons, the positively and negatively charged building blocks of atoms, make them up. Magnetic fields are created by electron flow (as in the kind that moves metal objects). We call this phenomenon electromagnetism, which is the result of the interplay between electrical currents and magnetic fields.
  • When electrons flow through the Earth’s molten core, they create the magnetic field that shields us from solar radiation.  Electromagnetism is one of the four fundamental forces that govern the world. In the absence of gamma radiation, we would die of heat exhaustion.
  • Electricity, visible light, and various types of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum, from gamma and ultraviolet radiation to radio waves, microwave, infrared, etc., are all explained by electromagnetism. 


As a fundamental idea in physics, the example of a moving car is frequently used to explain general relativity. Albert Einstein developed special relativity in the early 1900s, expanding the theory of general relativity.

For the sake of “special relativity,” objects must be moving with respect to “inertial frames of reference,” which means that an observer can’t tell one from the other using simply mechanical investigations. 

Taking as its starting point the behaviour of light (and all other electromagnetic radiation), special relativity’s predictions run counter to what we normally observe yet are amply validated by experimental evidence. 

E = mc2 (the most famous equation in science) is a result of special relativity, and it has led to other intriguing results, such as the “twin paradox,” which posits that the speed of light is a limit that can be approached but cannot be exceeded by any material entity.


  • To understand thermodynamics, one must understand how heat and energy are related to each other. 
  • Thermodynamics is governed by four laws, numbered 0 through 3, which further complicate matters. 
  • As energy is transported from one area to another, and from one form to another, these principles describe what happens.

The zeroth law of thermodynamics:

“Zeroth” became a word to me at the age of today. It’s important to remember that the zeroth law of thermodynamics specifies a system’s thermodynamic equilibrium, which describes how heat and temperature are exchanged. Useful if you’re unsure if you need to bring a sweater.

Energy conservation is the fundamental principle of thermodynamics:

  • According to this theory, energy is neither created nor destroyed. Only through converting it can it be transformed from one state to another.
  • Suppose you take four hydrogen atoms and fuse them together into one helium atom. When you combine four hydrogen atoms, the net atomic weight is actually greater than the weight of just one hydrogen atom, which suggests that some physical stuff is lost. What’s going to happen with it? From mass to light and heat energy, it is transformed.

The thermodynamics second law:

When heat energy is transferred or converted, it is irreversible and always leads to additional disorder, or entropy, according to the second rule of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics’s third principle:

  • To put it another way, the third rule of thermodynamics asserts that as the temperature drops to absolute zero, a system’s entropy stays the same. 
  • Entropy at absolute zero is normally zero, and in all situations, it is governed exclusively by the number of distinct ground states it has.
  • What humans experience as “temperature” pertains to atomic mobility at the atomic scale. Sunlight can excite atoms in Earth’s atmosphere, making them vibrate rapidly on a hot day. We get a warm feeling on our skin when we are exposed to this frequency. 
  • “Cool” atoms, on the other hand, are those that move the least. Atomic movement is heat, not the other way around.


So, there you have it: four additional key general physics ideas you should be familiar with as you explore this vast field of study. We have discussed Newton’s law, relativity, and the key principles of thermodynamics. These concepts are also applicable, in some way or the other, practically in our daily lives. As a result, conceptual understanding of all these topics is vital.