Dielectric Constant

Dielectric Constant is defined as a measure of the ability of a substance to resist the formation of an electric field. In simple terms, it is often used to describe the property or material’s ability to be an insulator or conductor. Every day, materials and substances are commonly used with different dielectric constants, depending on their function.

A dielectric constant can also refer to another property that describes molecular properties to allow aggregation or condensation without disruption by polar molecules, such as water’s mobility within ice crystals and its ability to minimally disrupt crystalline structures during freezing processes, where nearby molecules are drawn into ice crystals after they have formed via freezing process-dissipating heat energy at much faster rates than if no dielectric molecules were present.

Definition of Dielectric Constant

The dielectric constant is similar to electrical conductivity but is measured in units called farads per metre instead of ohms/metre and is a measurement for the material’s ability to resist the operation of electric fields. The higher a material’s dielectric constant, the more it can resist electric field, allowing for electronic devices such as transistor circuits or power supplies to operate with less energy.

Significance of Dielectric Constant

The significance of dielectrics is the ability to assist in voltage potential by holding off electrical fields from circuit components. The application of a voltage potential causes an electric field, which will cause a current to flow within the circuit. If the dielectric has a high dielectric constant, it can help minimise or prevent current flow within the course and cause less power consumption. In addition, a material with a high dielectric constant helps increase electrical breakdown voltages and reduce leakage currents within the circuitry.

Dielectric loss is the energy dissipated by materials (electrical insulators). These losses are caused when alternating current flows through an insulator–resulting in heating effects, similar to friction electricity in resistors.

Materials such as glass, polyethylene, and polypropylene have higher dielectric losses than materials with lower dielectric constants. Generally, the higher the dielectric constant, the lower the dielectric loss. Some examples of fabric with a low dielectric constant would be non-polar gases such as nitrogen with a value of 1.0. At the same time, fluorinated hydrocarbons and water molecules can provide a discount as high as 4.0. Both materials are non-polar and hold little to no charge within electrical fields.

Features of Dielectric Constant

  • Variability of Dielectric Constant
  1. Dielectrics with a high dielectric constant are often materials with a low permittivity. Permittivity measures an insulating material’s ability to resist the operation of electric fields and allows for electronic components such as transistors, semiconductors, capacitors, and diodes to operate with less energy.
  2. Higher dielectric constant materials will conduct less voltage potential than materials with lower dielectrics, having higher electrical breakdown voltages. High electrical breakdown voltages mean more power output is generated during charging and discharging of battery systems when using higher dielectric constant fluids because voltage potential flows easier within the circuit component than when using less dense fluids. 
  3. Further, materials with high dielectric constants, such as the water molecules held within the cooling cryogenic refrigeration machine exhibit fewer dielectric losses that cause stress on the system’s components.
  • Materials Used in Dielectrics:
  1. When using dielectrics in electronics, high and lower molecular weight fluids with different molecular dimensions are preferred.
  2. There are various compounds available to produce different dielectric constants depending on the specific application. Mixtures of compounds can also be used where appropriate. Randomly arranged layers of alternating materials can allow other material properties to adhere to each layer to increase the overall dielectric constants or reduce leakage current within circuit components. The most commonly used materials are non-polar, such as water molecules, rubber, and Glass. Glass can be used as a dielectric because of its rigid structure, which resists leakage current and electrostatic breakdown while maintaining electrical conductivity.
  3. The most commonly used non-polar fluid is water-it has a dielectric constant of 1.0.
  • The Importance of Conductivity:
  1. The importance of a material’s conductivity is the ability to allow voltage potentials to flow within circuits and dissipate energy-helping to improve the overall efficiency of devices with higher electrical breakdown voltages. 
  2. Its effect on the ability to dissipate energy is increased as the dielectric becomes less dense. Water and Glass are excellent choices for dielectrics because of their low molecular density.
  3. Glass has a molecular density of 1.7, meaning it has a higher conductivity than other materials with much lower molecular densities while maintaining high electrical breakdown voltages that result in reduced power consumption during electricity charging processes.
  4.  The application of voltage potential causes an electric field, which will cause current to flow within the circuit component based on the distance to source charges and ionisation potentials of ions within the fluid flow, which is essential because it defines how liquid molecules interact with the electric field forces.


Density, permittivity, and conductivity significantly impact the overall energy efficiency of any given circuit component. Higher dielectric constants tend to conduct less voltage potential and are lower in molecular density than materials with lower dielectrics. Materials with low molecular densities dissipate less energy as heat when discharging potential and provide higher breakdown voltages.

Lower molecular density materials, such as water molecules, rubber, and Glass, are excellent for application in circuits because of their high conductivity, low molecular density, and electrical breakdown voltages that allow for lower power consumption generation during charging processes.